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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing A, B, 2E and 2M

CIRCUMAMBIENCEScircumambiences n. Plural of circumambience.
CIRCUMAMBIENCE n. the act of going round, encompassing, also CIRCUMAMBIENCY.
COMMENDABLENESScommendableness n. The state or quality of being commendable.
COMMENDABLE n. that can be commended.
HYPERMETABOLISMhypermetabolism n. (Biochemistry) The physiological state of increased metabolic activity, typically occurring after significant…
HYPERMETABOLISM n. the physiological state of increased rate of metabolic activity.
IMMEDICABLENESSIMMEDICABLE n. that cannot be medicated.
IMMOVEABILITIESIMMOVEABILITY n. the quality of being immoveable, also IMMOVABILITY.
IMPERMEABLENESSimpermeableness n. Impermeability.
IMPERMEABLE n. that cannot be permeated.
INCOMMENSURABLEincommensurable adj. (Mathematics, of two real numbers) having a ratio that is not expressible as a fraction of two integers.
incommensurable adj. (Mathematics, of two integers) having no common integer divisor except 1.
incommensurable adj. Not able to be measured by the same standards as another term in the context.
INFLAMMABLENESSinflammableness n. The quality of being inflammable.
INFLAMMABLENESS n. the state of being inflammable.
METHAEMOGLOBINSmethæmoglobins n. Plural of methæmoglobin.
METHAEMOGLOBIN n. a brown compound of oxygen and haemoglobin formed in the blood by the action of certain drugs.
PROSLAMBANOMENEPROSLAMBANOMENE plural of proslambanomenos, (which has sixteen letters), an additional note at the bottom of the scale.
PSEUDOMEMBRANESpseudomembranes n. Plural of pseudomembrane.
PSEUDOMEMBRANE n. a false membrane.
REMEMBERABILITYrememberability n. The property of being rememberable.
REMEMBERABILITY n. the state of being rememberable.
STRABISMOMETERSstrabismometers n. Plural of strabismometer.
STRABISMOMETER n. an instrument measuring the degree of strabismus in the eyes, also STRABOMETER.
THERMOBAROMETERthermobarometer n. (Obsolete, physics) An instrument that measured altitudes via the boiling point of water.
thermobarometer n. (Geology) A mineral used to estimate temperature and pressure in the rocks during its formation.
THERMOBAROMETER n. an apparatus that provides an accurate measurement of pressure by observation of the change in the boiling point of a fluid.
TRIBROMOMETHANEtribromomethane n. (Organic chemistry) bromoform.
TRIBROMOMETHANE n. another name for bromoform, a bromine compound analogous to chloroform.
UNRECOMMENDABLEunrecommendable adj. Not recommendable.
UNRECOMMENDABLE adj. not recommendable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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