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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing 3A, 2R and U

ARCHAEBACTERIUMarchaebacterium n. Any primitive bacteria-like organism in the kingdom Archaea.
archæbacterium n. (Rare) Alternative spelling of archaebacterium.
ARCHAEBACTERIUM n. any of the microorganisms comprising the archaea.
AUTORADIOGRAPHSautoradiographs n. Plural of autoradiograph.
AUTORADIOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also RADIOAUTOGRAPH.
AUTORADIOGRAPHYautoradiography n. The process of making autoradiographs.
AUTORADIOGRAPHY n. a technique used to show the distribution of radioactively labelled molecules in cells or tissues.
CARPOMETACARPUScarpometacarpus n. (Anatomy) The fusion of digits (carpals and metacarpals) that forms the wing in birds.
CARPOMETACARPUS n. in birds, a bone of the wing formed by fusion of some of the carpals with the metacarpals.
DRAMATURGICALLYdramaturgically adv. In terms of dramaturgy.
DRAMATURGICAL adv. related to dramaturgy, also DRAMATURGIC.
INTERAMBULACRALinterambulacral adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the interambulacra.
INTERAMBULACRAL adj. of or like an interambulacrum.
INTRAFASCICULARintrafascicular adj. (Anatomy) Within the fascicle.
INTRAFASCICULAR adj. between fascicles.
INTRAVASCULARLYintravascularly adv. Within a blood vessel.
INTRAVASCULAR adv. situated in, occurring in, or administered by entry into a blood vessel.
PARAJOURNALISMSPARAJOURNALISM n. journalism that is heavily colored by the opinions of the reporter.
QUADRAGENARIANSquadragenarians n. Plural of quadragenarian.
QUADRAGENARIAN n. a person who is forty years old, or between forty and fifty.
RADIOAUTOGRAPHSradioautographs n. Plural of radioautograph.
RADIOAUTOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also AUTORADIOGRAPH.
RADIOAUTOGRAPHYradioautography n. Autoradiography.
RADIOAUTOGRAPHY n. the use of radioautographs.
SARRACENIACEOUSsarraceniaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Sarraceniaceae.
SARRACENIACEOUS adj. belonging to the Sarraceniaceae, pitcher-plants.
SUPRALAPSARIANSsupralapsarians n. Plural of supralapsarian.
SUPRALAPSARIAN n. one of a class of Calvinists who make the decree of election and predestination to precede the Creation and the Fall.
TARSOMETATARSUStarsometatarsus n. The large bone next the foot in the leg of a bird. It is formed by the union of the distal part of the…
TARSOMETATARSUS n. a long bone in the lower leg of birds and some reptiles, formed by the fusion of tarsal and metatarsal structures.
ULTRAMARATHONERultramarathoner n. (Athletics) Someone who participates in ultramarathons.
ULTRAMARATHONER n. one who runs an ultramarathon, a footrace longer than a marathon.
UNPARLIAMENTARYunparliamentary adj. Unsuitable to be used in parliament.
unparliamentary adj. Contrary to the rules of parliament.
UNPARLIAMENTARY adj. contrary to the practice of parliamentary bodies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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