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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing A, G, H, N, S and Z

AESTHETICIZINGaestheticizing v. Present participle of aestheticize.
æstheticizing v. Present participle of æstheticize.
AESTHETICIZE v. to make beautiful, also AESTHETICISE.
ANAESTHETIZINGanaesthetizing v. Present participle of anaesthetize.
anæsthetizing v. Present participle of anæsthetize.
APOSTROPHIZINGapostrophizing v. Present participle of apostrophize.
APOSTROPHIZE v. to address by or in apostrophe, also APOSTROPHISE.
DISAUTHORIZINGdisauthorizing v. Present participle of disauthorize.
DISAUTHORIZE v. to deprive of authority, also DISAUTHORISE.
DISHARMONIZINGdisharmonizing v. Present participle of disharmonize.
DISHARMONIZE v. to put out of harmony, also DISHARMONISE.
GHETTOIZATIONSghettoizations n. Plural of ghettoization.
GHETTOIZATION n. the process of ghettoizing, also GHETTOISATION.
HAUSSMANNIZINGHaussmannizing v. Present participle of Haussmannize.
HAUSSMANNIZE v. to open out, generally to rebuild, as Baron Haussmann did in Paris as prefect of the Seine (1853-70), also HAUSSMANNISE.
HISPANIOLIZINGHispaniolizing v. Present participle of Hispaniolize.
HISPANIOLIZE v. to make Spanish, also HISPANIOLISE.
MERCHANDIZINGSmerchandizings n. Plural of merchandizing.
MERCHANDIZING n. buying and selling in business.
MISEMPHASIZINGmisemphasizing v. Present participle of misemphasize.
MISEMPHASIZE v. to emphasize wrongly, also MISEMPHASISE.
ORTHOGONALIZESorthogonalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of orthogonalize.
ORTHOGONALIZE v. to make orthogonal, also ORTHOGONALISE.
PARENTHESIZINGparenthesizing v. Present participle of parenthesize.
PARENTHESIZE v. to put in parentheses, also PARENTHESISE.
SCHIZOGNATHOUSschizognathous adj. (Zoology) having the maxillopalatine bones separate from each other and from the vomer, which is pointed…
SCHIZOGNATHOUS adj. of some birds, having the bones of the palate separate.
SYCOPHANTIZINGsycophantizing v. Present participle of sycophantize.
SYCOPHANTIZE v. to be a sycophant, also SYCOPHANTISE.
UNSYMPATHIZINGunsympathizing adj. Failing to sympathize; lacking sympathy.
UNSYMPATHIZING adj. not sympathizing, also UNSYMPATHISING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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