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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing A, D, H, N, S and Z

DECHRISTIANIZEdechristianize v. To deprive of Christian character.
de-Christianize v. (Transitive) To make unchristian or non-Christian.
de-Christianize v. (Transitive) To deprive of the Christian character of.
DISAUTHORIZINGdisauthorizing v. Present participle of disauthorize.
DISAUTHORIZE v. to deprive of authority, also DISAUTHORISE.
DISHARMONIZINGdisharmonizing v. Present participle of disharmonize.
DISHARMONIZE v. to put out of harmony, also DISHARMONISE.
ENHYPOSTATIZEDenhypostatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of enhypostatize.
ENHYPOSTATIZE v. to subject to enhypostasia, also ENHYPOSTATISE.
HYBRIDIZATIONShybridizations n. (Chemistry) plural of hybridization.
HYBRIDIZATION n. the act of hybridizing, also HYBRIDISATION.
HYDROLYZATIONShydrolyzations n. Plural of hydrolyzation.
HYDROLYZATION n. the process of hydrolyzing, also HYDROLYSATION.
MERCHANDIZINGSmerchandizings n. Plural of merchandizing.
MERCHANDIZING n. buying and selling in business.
METHODIZATIONSmethodizations n. Plural of methodization.
METHODIZATION n. the process of methodizing, also METHODISATION.
PSYCHOANALYZEDpsychoanalyzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of psychoanalyze.
PSYCHOANALYZE v. to subject to psychoanalysis, also PSYCHOANALYSE.
SHERARDIZATIONsherardization n. The process of sherardizing.
SHERARDIZATION n. the process of sherardizing, also SHERARDISATION.
SULPHADIAZINESsulphadiazines n. Plural of sulphadiazine.
SULPHADIAZINE n. a sulphonamide used, usually in combination with an antibiotic, in the treatment of pneumonia, meningitis, etc.
SUPERHUMANIZEDsuperhumanized v. Simple past tense and past participle of superhumanize.
SUPERHUMANIZE v. to make superhuman, also SUPERHUMANISE.
THIABENDAZOLESthiabendazoles n. Plural of thiabendazole.
THIABENDAZOLE n. a drug used in the control of parasitic nematode worms and fungus infections and as an agricultural fungicide.
TRAPEZOHEDRONStrapezohedrons n. Plural of trapezohedron.
TRAPEZOHEDRON n. a crystalline form whose faces are trapeziums.
UNANESTHETIZEDunanesthetized adj. Not anesthetized.
UNANESTHETIZED adj. not anesthetised, also UNANESTHETISED.
UNDEREMPHASIZEunderemphasize v. (Transitive) To place insufficient emphasis on.
UNDEREMPHASIZE v. to emphasise insufficiently, also UNDEREMPHASISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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