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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing A, D, G, M, P and R

DERMATOGLYPHICdermatoglyphic adj. Relating to the study and subject matter of dermatoglyphics.
DERMATOGLYPHIC n. a ridge pattern of skin on the inner surface of the hands and feet.
DERMATOGRAPHIAdermatographia n. (Pathology) A skin disorder in which the skin becomes raised and inflamed when stroked, scratched or rubbed.
DERMATOGRAPHIA n. a type of urticaria in which the physical allergy causes stroking or scratching, etc. to raise a red weal on the skin.
DERMATOGRAPHICdermatographic adj. Relating to dermatography.
DERMATOGRAPHIC adj. related to dermatography.
DIAGEOTROPISMSDIAGEOTROPISM n. the tendency of roots to orient perpendicular to gravity.
DISPARAGEMENTSdisparagements n. Plural of disparagement.
DISPARAGEMENT n. the act of disparaging.
EPIGRAMMATISEDepigrammatised v. Simple past tense and past participle of epigrammatise.
EPIGRAMMATISE v. to make an epigram, also EPIGRAMMATIZE.
EPIGRAMMATIZEDepigrammatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of epigrammatize.
EPIGRAMMATIZE v. to make an epigram, also EPIGRAMMATISE.
GYNANDROMORPHSgynandromorphs n. Plural of gynandromorph.
GYNANDROMORPH n. an animal having both male and female characteristics.
GYNANDROMORPHYgynandromorphy n. Gynandromorphism.
GYNANDROMORPHY n. the state of being gynandromorph, an animal having both male and female characteristics.
IMPARIDIGITATEimparidigitate adj. (Anatomy) Having an odd number of fingers or toes.
IMPARIDIGITATE adj. having an odd number of fingers on each limb.
MARCONIGRAPHEDmarconigraphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of marconigraph.
MARCONIGRAPH v. to send a message by wireless telegraphy.
MYOCARDIOGRAPHMYOCARDIOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording the movements of heart muscle.
OVERPROGRAMMEDoverprogrammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overprogram.
overprogrammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overprogramme.
overprogrammed adj. Given a programme or schedule of too many activities.
PARADIGMATICALparadigmatical adj. Alternative form of paradigmatic.
PARADIGMATICAL adj. in the form of a paradigm, also PARADIGMATIC.
PREADMONISHINGpreadmonishing v. Present participle of preadmonish.
PREADMONISH v. to admonish in advance.
PYRAMIDOLOGIESPYRAMIDOLOGY n. the study of the Egyptian pyramids.
PYRAMIDOLOGISTpyramidologist n. One who studies pyramidology, who studies pyramids from a supernatural viewpoint.
PYRAMIDOLOGIST n. a specialist in pyramidology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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