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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing A, D, E, F, G and N

BREASTFEEDINGSbreastfeedings n. Plural of breastfeeding.
BREASTFEEDING n. the act of feeding with the breast.
DECAFFEINATINGdecaffeinating v. Present participle of decaffeinate.
DECAFFEINATE v. to remove caffeine from.
DEFENESTRATINGdefenestrating v. Present participle of defenestrate.
DEFENESTRATE v. to throw out of a window.
DEFIBRILLATINGdefibrillating v. Present participle of defibrillate.
DEFIBRILLATE v. to apply a defibrillator to.
DEFLOCCULATINGdeflocculating v. Present participle of deflocculate.
DEFLOCCULATE v. to deprive of flocculation.
DINOFLAGELLATEdinoflagellate n. Any of many marine protozoa of the phylum Dinoflagellata, which have two flagella.
DINOFLAGELLATE n. a kind of marine protozoan, one of the principal constituents of plankton.
DISAFFORESTINGdisafforesting v. Present participle of disafforest.
DISAFFOREST v. to clear of forest, also DISFOREST.
FARSIGHTEDNESSfarsightedness n. (Pathology) The condition of being unable to focus on near objects; presbyopia.
farsightedness n. The quality of being considerate about what might happen in the future.
far-sightedness n. Alternative form of farsightedness.
FEATHERBEDDINGfeatherbedding v. Present participle of featherbed.
featherbedding n. (US) The employment of more workers than is necessary, typically because of labor union rules (or sometimes…
feather-bedding v. Present participle of feather-bed.
FINGERBREADTHSfingerbreadths n. Plural of fingerbreadth.
FINGERBREADTH n. the breadth of a finger.
FORESHADOWINGSforeshadowings n. Plural of foreshadowing.
FORESHADOWING n. the act of foreshadowing.
GLANDULIFEROUSglanduliferous adj. Bearing glandules.
GLANDULIFEROUS adj. bearing small glands.
GRANDFATHERINGgrandfathering v. Present participle of grandfather.
grandfathering n. Exemption from new legislation or regulations.
GRANDFATHER v. to exempt (an activity, person, etc.) from a new piece of legislation, restriction or the like.
NEWFANGLEDNESSnewfangledness n. The quality of being newfangled.
NEWFANGLEDNESS n. the state of being newfangled.
SUBINFEUDATINGsubinfeudating v. Present participle of subinfeudate.
SUBINFEUDATE v. to grant to another land held by another feudal lord, also SUBFEU, SUBINFEUD.
TRANSMOGRIFIEDtransmogrified v. Simple past tense and past participle of transmogrify.
transmogrified adj. Altered, transformed, or mutated into a form that is grotesque or amusing.
TRANSMOGRIFY v. to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect.
UNDERSTAFFINGSunderstaffings n. Plural of understaffing.
UNDERSTAFFING n. inadequate staffing.
UNFADINGNESSESUNFADINGNESS n. the state of being unfading.
UNREFRIGERATEDunrefrigerated adj. Not refrigerated; allowed to stay warm.
UNREFRIGERATED adj. not refrigerated.
WATERFLOODINGSWATERFLOODING n. the practice, in oil, gas or petroleum production, of injecting water to maintain pressure in a reservoir and to drive the oil, etc. towards the production wells.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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