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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 10 fourteen-letter words containing A, 2C and 3T

BACTERIOSTATICbacteriostatic adj. Of or relating to bacteriostasis or a bacteriostat; inhibiting the growth of bacteria without destroying them.
BACTERIOSTATIC adj. of or like a bacteriostat, an agent that causes bacteriostasis.
COUNTERATTACKScounterattacks n. Plural of counterattack; alternative spelling of counter-attacks.
counterattacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of counterattack; alternative spelling of counter-attacks.
counter-attacks n. Plural of counter-attack.
COUNTERTACTICScountertactics n. Plural of countertactic.
COUNTERTACTIC n. an opposing tactic.
CRYOPROTECTANTcryoprotectant n. (Biology) Any substance (typically a polyhydric alcohol) that prevents cell damage on freezing.
CRYOPROTECTANT n. a cryoprotective substance.
CRYPTAESTHETICCRYPTAESTHETIC adj. of or relating to supernormal perception, also CRYPTESTHETIC.
CYTOSTATICALLYcytostatically adv. In a cytostatic manner.
CYTOSTATIC adv. tending to retard cellular activity and multiplication.
ELECTROSTATICSelectrostatics n. (Physics) the branch of physics that deals with static electricity; that is, with the force exerted…
ELECTROSTATICS n. the study of static electricity.
PHOTOCATALYTICphotocatalytic adj. Of, pertaining to, or obtained by photocatalysis.
PHOTOCATALYTIC adj. relating to photocatalysis.
STEREOTACTICALstereotactical adj. Stereotactic.
STEREOTACTICAL adj. involving or used in a surgical technique for directing the tip of a delicate instrument or beam of radiation using coordinates provided by medical imaging, also STEREOTACTIC.
TELANGIECTATICtelangiectatic adj. Of or pertaining to telangiectasia (telangiectasis).
TELANGIECTATIC adj. relating to telangiectasia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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