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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing A, 3C and 2E

CATECHETICALLYcatechetically adv. In a catechetical manner; by question and answer.
CATECHETICAL adv. relating to catechism, also CATECHETIC.
CATECHUMENICALcatechumenical adj. Of or pertaining to catechumens.
CATECHUMENICAL adj. of or like a catechumen, also CATECHUMENAL.
CIRCUMAMBIENCEcircumambience n. The condition of being circumambient.
CIRCUMAMBIENCE n. the act of going round, encompassing, also CIRCUMAMBIENCY.
CONTABESCENCESCONTABESCENCE n. the state of being contabescent, wasting away.
CONVALESCENCESconvalescences n. Plural of convalescence.
CONVALESCENCE n. recovery from illness, also CONVALESCENCY.
COSMECEUTICALScosmeceuticals n. Plural of cosmeceutical.
COSMECEUTICAL n. a product which overlaps the cosmetics and drugs industries.
ECCLESIASTICALecclesiastical adj. Of or pertaining to the church.
ECCLESIASTICAL adj. of or relating to a church esp. as an established institution, also ECCLESIASTIC.
ENCYCLOPEDICALencyclopedical adj. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of encyclopaedical.
ENCYCLOPEDICAL adj. of or relating to an encyclopedia; comprehensive; full of information, also ENCYCLOPAEDIC, ENCYCLOPAEDICAL, ENCYCLOPEDIC.
EXACERBESCENCEexacerbescence n. (Archaic) increase of irritation or violence, particularly of a fever or disease.
EXACERBESCENCE n. (archaic) exacerbation.
GYNAECOCRACIESgynaecocracies n. Plural of gynaecocracy.
GYNAECOCRACY n. government by women, also GYNECOCRACY.
HYPERCALCAEMIChypercalcaemic adj. Alternative form of hypercalcemic.
HYPERCALCAEMIC adj. relating to hypercalcaemia, an excess of calcium in the blood.
INCANDESCENCESincandescences n. Plural of incandescence.
INCANDESCENCE n. the state of being incandescent, also INCANDESCENCY.
NONACCEPTANCESnonacceptances n. Plural of nonacceptance.
NONACCEPTANCE n. lack of acceptance.
ONCHOCERCIASESonchocerciases n. Plural of onchocerciasis.
ONCHOCERCIASIS n. infestation with or disease caused by filarial worms.
PREOCCUPANCIESpreoccupancies n. Plural of preoccupancy.
PREOCCUPANCY n. an act or the right of taking possession before another.
RECALCITRANCESrecalcitrances n. Plural of recalcitrance.
RECALCITRANCE n. the state of being recalcitrant, also RECALCITRANCY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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