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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, 3E and U

ADEQUATENESSESadequatenesses n. Plural of adequateness.
ADEQUATENESS n. the quality of being adequate.
ADMEASUREMENTSadmeasurements n. Plural of admeasurement.
ADMEASUREMENT n. the act of measuring or apportioning.
ADULARESCENCESADULARESCENCE n. the quality of being adularescent, having or emitting a milky or bluish iridescence.
BUREAUCRATESESBUREAUCRATESE n. the language of bureaucrats.
CATECHUMENATEScatechumenates n. Plural of catechumenate.
CATECHUMENATE n. the state of being a catechumen.
ELEUTHEROMANIAeleutheromania n. A great desire for or obsession with freedom.
ELEUTHEROMANIA n. a manic desire for freedom.
INADEQUATENESSinadequateness n. Inadequacy.
INADEQUATE n. not adequate.
LAUDABLENESSESLAUDABLENESS n. the state of being laudable.
MEASURABLENESSmeasurableness n. Quality of being measurable.
MEASURABLE n. that can be measured.
OVERACCENTUATEoveraccentuate v. To accentuate too much.
OVERACCENTUATE v. to accentuate excessively.
PSEUDAESTHESIApseudaesthesia n. (Medicine) phantom pain, false or imaginary feeling or sense perception such as occurs in hypochondriasis…
pseudæsthesia n. Rare spelling of pseudaesthesia.
PSEUDAESTHESIA n. imaginary feeling or sensation.
SEPTUAGENARIESseptuagenaries n. Plural of septuagenary.
SEPTUAGENARY n. a septuagenarian.
SUPERTERRANEANsuperterranean adj. Synonym of aboveground.
SUPERTERRANEAN adj. above or on surface of earth.
THYMELAEACEOUSthymelaeaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Thymelaeaceae.
THYMELAEACEOUS adj. of the Thymelaeaceae, the family of trees and shrubs with simple leaves and tough bark to which spurge laurel belongs.
UNBEARABLENESSunbearableness n. The quality of being unbearable.
UNBEARABLENESS n. the state of being unbearable.
UNREADABLENESSunreadableness n. The quality or state of being unreadable.
UNREADABLENESS n. the state of being unreadable.
UNTAMEABLENESSuntameableness n. Quality of being untameable.
UNTAMEABLENESS n. the state of being untameable, also UNTAMABLENESS.
VALUABLENESSESVALUABLENESS n. the state of being valuable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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