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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, D and 3L

ALLOTETRAPLOIDallotetraploid adj. Amphidiploid.
allotetraploid adj. (Genetics) Having four sets of chromosomes derived from different species.
allotetraploid n. Amphidiploid.
ANTEDILUVIALLYantediluvially adv. In an antediluvial manner.
ANTEDILUVIAL adv. pertaining to the period before the Biblical flood or any great flood, also ANTEDILUVIAN.
AUDIOLOGICALLYaudiologically adv. In an audiological manner; by way of audiology.
AUDIOLOGICAL adv. relating to the study of hearing, also AUDIOLOGIC.
COLLATERALISEDcollateralised v. Simple past tense and past participle of collateralise.
collateralised adj. Alternative spelling of collateralized.
COLLATERALISE v. to make (a loan) secure with collateral, also COLLATERALIZE.
COLLATERALIZEDcollateralized v. Simple past tense and past participle of collateralize.
collateralized adj. (Law) Secured by a pledge of collateral.
COLLATERALIZE v. to make (a loan) secure with collateral, also COLLATERALISE.
DINOFLAGELLATEdinoflagellate n. Any of many marine protozoa of the phylum Dinoflagellata, which have two flagella.
DINOFLAGELLATE n. a kind of marine protozoan, one of the principal constituents of plankton.
DIPLOMATICALLYdiplomatically adv. In a diplomatic manner.
diplomatically adv. (Domain) From the perspective of diplomacy.
DIPLOMATICAL adv. relating to diplomacy, also DIPLOMATIC.
DODECASYLLABLEdodecasyllable n. A word consisting of twelve syllables.
DODECASYLLABLE n. a line of twelve syllables.
GLYCOALKALOIDSglycoalkaloids n. Plural of glycoalkaloid.
IDEALISTICALLYidealistically adv. In an idealistic manner.
IDEALISTIC adv. of or relating to idealists or idealism.
MULTIDIALECTALmultidialectal adj. Consisting of, or conversant in, more than one dialect.
MULTIDIALECTAL adj. having many dialects.
PARALLELEPIPEDparallelepiped n. (Geometry) A solid figure, having six faces, all parallelograms, all opposite faces being similar and parallel.
PARALLELEPIPED n. a solid figure with each face a parallelogram.
PARALLELOPIPEDparallelopiped n. Alternative form of parallelepiped.
PARALLELOPIPED n. a solid figure bounded by six parallelograms, opposite pairs being identical and parallel.
QUADRISYLLABLEquadrisyllable n. A word of four syllables.
QUADRISYLLABLE n. a tetrasyllable.
RADIOLABELLINGradiolabelling v. Present participle of radiolabel.
RADIOLABEL v. to label as radioactive.
RADIOLOGICALLYradiologically adv. By means of, or in terms of, radiology.
RADIOLOGICAL adv. of or relating to radiology, also RADIOLOGIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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