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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing 3A, H, T and U

ADIATHERMANOUSADIATHERMANOUS adj. not permeable by or able to conduct radiant heat.
AMARANTHACEOUSamaranthaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Amaranthaceae of amaranths and goosefoots.
AMARANTHACEOUS adj. belonging to the family Amarantaceae, also AMARANTACEOUS.
AMPHIBLASTULAEAMPHIBLASTULA n. the free-swimming larva of certain sponges, which consists of a hollow spherical mass of cells some of which have flagella.
AUTHORITARIANSauthoritarians n. Plural of authoritarian.
AUTHORITARIAN n. one who favours blind submission to authority.
AUTORADIOGRAPHautoradiograph n. (Photography) A photograph image produced by placing a film in contact with a specimen containing (or…
autoradiograph v. (Transitive) To subject to autoradiography.
AUTORADIOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also RADIOAUTOGRAPH.
CHATEAUBRIANDSchateaubriands n. Plural of chateaubriand.
CHATEAUBRIAND n. a large tenderloin steak usually grilled or broiled and served with a sauce.
HAEMATOPHAGOUShaematophagous adj. (British spelling) Feeding on blood.
hæmatophagous adj. Obsolete spelling of hematophagous.
HAEMATOPHAGOUS adj. of certain animals, feeding on blood, also HEMATOPHAGOUS.
PHARMACEUTICALpharmaceutical adj. (Medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology) Of, or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists.
pharmaceutical n. (Medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology) A pharmaceutical or pharmacological preparation or product; a drug.
PHARMACEUTICAL n. a medicinal drug, also PHARMACEUTIC.
RADIOAUTOGRAPHradioautograph n. Autoradiograph.
RADIOAUTOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also AUTORADIOGRAPH.
THAUMATOGRAPHYthaumatography n. A description of natural wonders.
THAUMATOGRAPHY n. the description of natural wonders.
THAUMATROPICALTHAUMATROPICAL adj. of or like a thaumatrope, an optical toy in which pictures on both sides of a card are seen to combine when the card is rotated rapidly.
THAUMATURGICALthaumaturgical adj. Relating to thaumaturgy; magical.
THAUMATURGICAL adj. relating to the supposed working of miracles, also THAUMATURGIC.
ULTRAHAZARDOUSultrahazardous adj. Extremely hazardous.
ULTRAHAZARDOUS adj. extremely hazardous.
ULTRAMARATHONSultramarathons n. Plural of ultramarathon.
ULTRAMARATHON n. a footrace longer than a marathon.
UNMATHEMATICALunmathematical adj. Not mathematical.
unmathematical adj. Not inclined toward mathematics.
UNMATHEMATICAL adj. not mathematical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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