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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 13 fourteen-letter words containing 3A, F and 2I

ANTIDEFAMATIONantidefamation adj. Opposing the defamation of a particular group. Chiefly in direct or oblique reference to the Anti-Defamation League.
ANTIDEFAMATION adj. designed to counter defamation.
FANATICISATIONFANATICISATION n. the process of making fanatical, also FANATICIZATION.
FANATICIZATIONFANATICIZATION n. the process of making fanatical, also FANATICISATION.
FANTASTICALITYfantasticality n. The quality of being fantastical.
fantasticality n. Anything that is fantastical.
FANTASTICALITY n. the state of being fantastical.
FANTASTICATINGfantasticating v. Present participle of fantasticate.
FANTASTICATE v. to fantasize over something.
FANTASTICATIONfantastication n. The process of making fantastical.
FANTASTICATION n. the act of fantasticating.
FATALISTICALLYfatalistically adv. In a fatalistic manner.
FATALISTIC adv. related to fatalism.
INFRALAPSARIANinfralapsarian n. (Christianity) A Calvinist who holds that election is a logical consequent of the Fall of man in the…
INFRALAPSARIAN n. a person who believes that foreknowledge of the Fall preceded God's decree of who was predestined to salvation and who was not.
INFRAMAXILLARYinframaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Under the lower jaw; submaxillary.
inframaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the lower jaw.
INFRAMAXILLARY adj. situated under the jaw; belonging to the lower jaw.
INTRAFALLOPIANintrafallopian adj. Within the Fallopian tube.
INTRAFALLOPIAN adj. within, or introduced into, (either of) the Fallopian tubes.
MATRESFAMILIASmatresfamilias n. Plural of materfamilias.
MATERFAMILIAS n. (Latin) the mother or female head of the family.
PATRESFAMILIASpatresfamilias n. Plural of paterfamilias.
PATERFAMILIAS n. (Latin) the head of the family.
RAREFICATIONALRAREFICATIONAL adj. relating to rarefaction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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