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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing A, I, 2O, U and Z

AUTHORIZATIONauthorization n. (Uncountable) Permission.
authorization n. (Countable) An act of authorizing.
authorization n. (Countable) (A document giving) formal sanction, permission or warrant.
COLOURIZATIONcolourization n. Canada standard spelling of colorization.
COMMUNIZATIONcommunization n. The act or process of communizing.
COMMUNIZATION n. the act of communizing, also COMMUNISATION.
CUSTOMIZATIONcustomization n. The act of customizing something.
CUSTOMIZATION n. the process of customizing, also CUSTOMISATION.
FURAZOLIDONESfurazolidones n. Plural of furazolidone.
FURAZOLIDONE n. an antimicrobial drug used against bacteria and some protozoa esp. in infections of the gastrointestinal tract.
OUTORGANIZINGoutorganizing v. Present participle of outorganize.
OUTORGANIZE v. to surpass in organization, also OUTORGANISE.
ROUTINIZATIONroutinization n. The process of making something routine.
ROUTINIZATION n. the act of routinizing, also ROUTINISATION.
SCHIZOCARPOUSschizocarpous adj. Of or relating to schizocarps.
SCHIZOCARPOUS adj. of or like a schizocarp, a compound fruit splitting into several one-seeded ones.
TAUTOLOGIZINGtautologizing v. Present participle of tautologize.
TAUTOLOGIZE v. to use tautology, also TAUTOLOGISE.
UNAPOLOGIZINGunapologizing adj. Making no apology.
UNAPOLOGIZING adj. not apologizing, also UNAPOLOGISING.
UNIONIZATIONSunionizations n. Plural of unionization.
UNIONIZATION n. the act of forming a union, also UNIONISATION.
VACUOLIZATIONvacuolization n. Alternative form of vacuolation.
VACUOLIZATION n. the act of producing vacuoles, also VACUOLISATION.
ZOOSPORANGIUMzoosporangium n. (Botany) A sporangium, or conceptacle containing or producing zoospores.
zoösporangium n. Alternative spelling of zoosporangium.
ZOOSPORANGIUM n. a spore case or sporangium bearing zoospores.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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