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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, F, 3R and T

AGROFORESTERSagroforesters n. Plural of agroforester.
AGROFORESTER n. one who practices agroforestry.
COTRANSFERREDcotransferred adj. Transferred along with another.
INTERFEROGRAMinterferogram n. An image produced by using an interferometer.
INTERFEROGRAM n. a photographic record made by an apparatus for recording optical interference phenomena.
PREFABRICATORprefabricator n. One who prefabricates.
PREFABRICATOR n. one who prefabricates.
REFORMATORIESreformatories n. Plural of reformatory.
REFORMATORY n. a penal institution to which esp. young or first offenders are committed for training and reformation.
REFRACTOMETERrefractometer n. (Physics) An optical instrument used to measure the refractive index of a substance.
REFRACTOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the refraction of light.
REFRACTOMETRYrefractometry n. (Physics) the measurement of refractive index.
REFRACTOMETRY n. measurement by refractometer.
REFRIGERATINGrefrigerating v. Present participle of refrigerate.
REFRIGERATE v. to make or keep cold.
REFRIGERATIONrefrigeration n. The process of transferring heat from an object in order to cool it.
refrigeration n. The process of preserving something by cooling.
refrigeration n. (Medicine) The cooling of the body for therapeutic purposes.
REFRIGERATIVErefrigerative adj. Cooling; allaying heat.
refrigerative n. A refrigerant.
REFRIGERATIVE adj. serving to refrigerate.
REFRIGERATORSrefrigerators n. Plural of refrigerator.
REFRIGERATOR n. something that refrigerates.
REFRIGERATORYrefrigeratory n. (Dated) That which refrigerates or cools.
refrigeratory adj. Mitigating heat; cooling.
REFRIGERATORY adj. cooling; refrigerative.
RETRANSFERREDretransferred v. Simple past tense and past participle of retransfer.
RETRANSFER v. to transfer again.
RETRANSFORMEDretransformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of retransform.
RETRANSFORM v. to transform again.
TERRAFORMINGSTERRAFORMING n. the act of making another planet earthlike.
TRANSFERRABLEtransferrable adj. Alternative spelling of transferable.
TRANSFERRABLE adj. that can be transferred, also TRANSFERABLE, TRANSFERRIBLE.
TRANSFERRIBLEtransferrible adj. Archaic form of transferable.
TRANSFERRIBLE adj. that can be transferred, also TRANSFERABLE, TRANSFERRABLE.
ULTRARAREFIEDultrararefied adj. Very highly rarefied.
ULTRARAREFIED adj. exceptionally rarefied.
WATERPROOFERSwaterproofers n. Plural of waterproofer.
WATERPROOFER n. one who waterproofs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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