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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, 3M and S

COMMEMORATORScommemorators n. Plural of commemorator.
COMMEMORATOR n. one who commemorates.
COMMENSALISMScommensalisms n. Plural of commensalism.
COMMENSALISM n. a relation between two kinds of organisms in which one obtains food or other benefits from the other without damaging or benefiting it.
COMMERCIALISMcommercialism n. The practices, methods, aims, and spirit of commerce or business.
commercialism n. A tendency to value profit over everything else.
COMMERCIALISM n. commercial spirit, institutions, or methods.
EPIGRAMMATISMepigrammatism n. The use of epigrams; epigrammatical character.
EPIGRAMMATISM n. the making of epigrams.
IMMATERIALISMimmaterialism n. (Philosophy) The metaphysical denial of the existence of the material world.
IMMATERIALISM n. the doctrine that there is no material substance.
MAMMALIFEROUSmammaliferous adj. (Geology, archaic) Containing mammalian remains.
MAMMALIFEROUS adj. bearing remains of mammals.
MAMMAPLASTIESmammaplasties n. Plural of mammaplasty.
MAMMAPLASTY n. the surgical reconstruction of the breast.
MAMMOGRAPHIESmammographies n. Plural of mammography.
MAMMOGRAPHY n. an X-ray of the breast.
MAMMOPLASTIESmammoplasties n. Plural of mammoplasty.
MAMMOPLASTY n. plastic surgery to change the shape of the breasts, as by the use of silicone implants, etc., also MAMMAPLASTY.
MATHEMATICISMmathematicism n. An approach or worldview that is rooted in mathematics.
MATHEMATICISM n. the belief that everything can be described or explained ultimately in mathematical terms.
MECAMYLAMINESMECAMYLAMINE n. a drug used orally as a ganglionic blocking agent to effect a rapid lowering of severely elevated blood pressure.
METAMORPHISMSmetamorphisms n. Plural of metamorphism.
METAMORPHISM n. the processes of recrystallization, textural and mineralogical change that take place in the solid state under conditions beyond those normally encountered during diagenesis.
METASOMATISMSmetasomatisms n. Plural of metasomatism.
METASOMATISM n. metamorphism caused chiefly by introduction of fluids and/or ions.
MISMANAGEMENTmismanagement n. The process or practice of managing ineptly, incompetently, or dishonestly.
MISMANAGEMENT n. wrong management.
MISMATCHMENTSmismatchments n. Plural of mismatchment.
MISMATCHMENT n. the act of mismatching.
MISPROGRAMMEDmisprogrammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of misprogram.
MISPROGRAM v. to program incorrectly.
MONOMETALLISMmonometallism n. The use of only one metal (such as gold or silver) in the standard currency of a country, or as a standard…
MONOMETALLISM n. use of one metal as currency standard; theory advocating this.
SYMMETALLISMSSYMMETALLISM n. a system of coinage in which the unit of currency consists of a particular weight of an alloy of two or more metals, also SYMMETALISM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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