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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, 2G, H and L

CHALLENGINGLYchallengingly adv. In a way or to an extent that challenges.
CHALLENGING adv. CHALLENGE, to summon (someone) to settle a matter by fighting or by any kind of contest.
DAUGHTERLINGSdaughterlings n. Plural of daughterling.
DAUGHTERLING n. a small daughter.
DEPHLEGMATINGdephlegmating v. Present participle of dephlegmate.
DEPHLEGMATE v. to distill something, such as alcohol.
GENETHLIALOGYgenethlialogy n. Divination of the destiny of a newborn; the art of casting nativities; astrology.
GENETHLIALOGY n. the art of casting horoscopes.
GLOSSOGRAPHERglossographer n. A writer of a glossary; a commentator.
GLOSSOGRAPHER n. a writer of short explanatory notes or glosses.
GLYPHOGRAPHERglyphographer n. One who carries out glyphography.
GLYPHOGRAPHER n. one who practises glyphography.
GLYPTOGRAPHERglyptographer n. One who carries out glyptography.
GLYPTOGRAPHER n. one who practises glyptography, the art of engraving on gems.
HELIOGRAPHINGheliographing v. Present participle of heliograph.
HELIOGRAPH v. to signal by heliograph.
HEMAGGLUTININhemagglutinin n. (Biochemistry) An antigenic glycoprotein that causes agglutination of red blood cells.
HEMAGGLUTININ n. a virus, antibody or other agent causing haemagglutination, also HAEMAGGLUTININ.
HUMBLEBRAGGEDhumblebragged v. Simple past tense and past participle of humblebrag.
HUMBLEBRAG v. to make a statement that purports to be self-effacing but in fact reveals a person's wealth or importance.
JELLYGRAPHINGjellygraphing v. Present participle of jellygraph.
JELLYGRAPH v. to copy by jellygraph, an old device for copying that used a plate of jelly.
OVERSLAUGHINGoverslaughing v. Present participle of overslaugh.
OVERSLAUGH v. to pass over someone in favor of another, as in a promotion.
PHLEGMAGOGICSPHLEGMAGOGIC n. a medication that is intended to dislodge and evacuate mucus from the respiratory system.
PHLEGMAGOGUESphlegmagogues n. Plural of phlegmagogue.
PHLEGMAGOGUE n. a phlegm-expelling drug.
RECHALLENGINGrechallenging v. Present participle of rechallenge.
RECHALLENGE v. to challenge again.
SPHAGNOLOGIESSPHAGNOLOGY n. the study of peat moss.
UNCHALLENGINGunchallenging adj. Not challenging; easy to do.
UNCHALLENGING adj. not challenging.
WOOLGATHERINGwoolgathering n. The gathering of fragments of wool torn from sheep by bushes, etc.
woolgathering n. Indulgence in idle fancies or daydreams.
wool-gathering n. Alternative spelling of woolgathering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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