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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing A, D, L, N, R and V

ADVENTUROUSLYadventurously adv. In an adventurous manner.
ADVENTUROUS adv. disposed to seek adventure.
COUNTERVAILEDcountervailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of countervail.
COUNTERVAIL v. to counterbalance, neutralise.
DELEVERAGINGSdeleveragings n. Plural of deleveraging.
DELEVERAGING n. the act of reducing the ratio of debt capital to equity capital.
DEVOLUTIONARYdevolutionary adj. Of, pertaining to, advocating or permitting devolution.
DEVOLUTIONARY adj. relating to devolution.
INADVERTENTLYinadvertently adv. Unintentionally; because of an oversight.
INADVERTENT adv. not focusing the mind on a matter.
LANDGRAVIATESlandgraviates n. Plural of landgraviate.
LANDGRAVIATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a landgrave, also LANDGRAVATE.
OVEREXPLAINEDoverexplained v. Simple past tense and past participle of overexplain.
OVEREXPLAIN v. to explain to excess.
OVERPEDALLINGoverpedalling v. Present participle of overpedal.
OVERPEDALLING n. excessive pedalling.
QUADRIVALENCEquadrivalence n. The condition of being quadrivalent.
QUADRIVALENCE n. the state of being quadrivalent, also QUADRIVALENCY.
QUADRIVALENCYquadrivalency n. Synonym of quadrivalence.
QUADRIVALENCY n. the state of being quadrivalent, also QUADRIVALENCE.
QUADRIVALENTSquadrivalents n. Plural of quadrivalent.
QUADRIVALENT n. a quadrivalent chromosomal group.
RECONVALESCEDreconvalesced v. Simple past tense and past participle of reconvalesce.
RECONVALESCE v. to convalesce again.
REDELIVERANCEredeliverance n. A second or subsequent deliverance.
REDELIVERANCE n. the act of redelivering.
REVALIDATIONSrevalidations n. Plural of revalidation.
REVALIDATION n. the action or an instance of revalidating.
TRANSVALUATEDTRANSVALUATE v. to reestimate the value of, esp. on a basis differing from the accepted standard, also TRANSVALUE.
UNDELIVERABLEundeliverable adj. Not able to be delivered.
undeliverable n. A message, parcel, etc. that cannot be delivered.
UNDELIVERABLE adj. not deliverable.
UNIVERSALISEDuniversalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of universalise.
UNIVERSALISE v. to make universal, also UNIVERSALIZE.
UNIVERSALIZEDuniversalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of universalize.
UNIVERSALIZE v. to make universal, also UNIVERSALISE.
VALEDICTORIANvaledictorian n. (US, Canada, properly) The individual in a graduating class who delivers the farewell or valedictory…
valedictorian n. (US, Canada, colloquial) The individual in a graduating class who graduates with the highest grades.
VALEDICTORIAN n. one who bids farewell, e.g. in the US on leaving school.
VINDICATORILYvindicatorily adv. (Rare) In a vindicatory manner; in vindication of someone or something.
VINDICATORY adv. serving or tending to vindicate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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