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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2D and 3S

ADAPTEDNESSESadaptednesses n. Plural of adaptedness.
ADAPTEDNESS n. the state of being adapted.
ADVISEDNESSESADVISEDNESS n. the state of being advised.
BEARDEDNESSESBEARDEDNESS n. the state of having a beard.
CADDISHNESSEScaddishnesses n. Plural of caddishness.
CADDISHNESS n. the state of being caddish.
DASTARDLINESSdastardliness n. The state or quality of being dastardly.
DASTARDLINESS n. the state of being dastardly.
DASTARDNESSESDASTARDNESS n. the state of being dastard.
DEBASEDNESSESDEBASEDNESS n. the state of being debased.
DISASSOCIATEDdisassociated v. Simple past tense and past participle of disassociate.
DISASSOCIATE v. to separate from association or union with another, also DISSOCIATE.
DISCOMEDUSANSdiscomedusans n. Plural of discomedusan.
DISCOMEDUSAN n. a member of the Discomedusae, an order of jellyfishes with flattened umbrella.
DISSOCIALISEDdissocialised v. Simple past tense and past participle of dissocialise.
DISSOCIALISE v. to make unsocial, also DISSOCIALIZE.
DREADLESSNESSdreadlessness n. Fearlessness.
DREADLESSNESS n. the state of being dreadless.
FADDISHNESSESFADDISHNESS n. the state of being faddish.
GUARDEDNESSESguardednesses n. Plural of guardedness.
GUARDEDNESS n. the state of being guarded.
LADDISHNESSESLADDISHNESS n. the state of being laddish.
MISADDRESSINGmisaddressing v. Present participle of misaddress.
MISADDRESS v. to address wrongly.
STADDLESTONESstaddle␣stones n. Plural of staddle stone.
STADDLESTONE n. a low mushroom-shaped arrangement of a conical and flat, circular stone, used as a support for a haystack.
STANDARDISERSstandardisers n. Plural of standardiser.
STANDARDISER n. one who standardises, also STANDARDIZER.
STUDDINGSAILSstuddingsails n. Plural of studdingsail.
studding␣sails n. Plural of studding sail.
STUDDINGSAIL n. an additional sail set at the outer edges of a square sail when the wind is light and abaft the beam, also STUNSAIL.
UNADVISEDNESSunadvisedness n. The quality of being inadvisable.
UNADVISEDNESS n. the state of being unadvised.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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