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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2D, I, S and V

ADDICTIVENESSaddictiveness n. The characteristic of being addictive.
ADDICTIVENESS n. the quality of being addictive.
ADVERBIALISEDadverbialised v. Simple past tense and past participle of adverbialise.
ADVERBIALISE v. to give the character of an adverb to, also ADVERBIALIZE.
ADVISEDNESSESADVISEDNESS n. the state of being advised.
BODDHISATTVASboddhisattvas n. Plural of boddhisattva.
BODDHISATTVA n. one who gives up Nirvana out of compassion for others, also BODHISATTVA.
DAREDEVILRIESdaredevilries n. Plural of daredevilry.
DAREDEVILRY n. the state of being a daredevil, also DAREDEVILTRY.
DESIDERATIVESdesideratives n. Plural of desiderative.
DESIDERATIVE n. something desirable.
DISADVANTAGEDdisadvantaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of disadvantage.
disadvantaged adj. Lacking an advantage relative to another.
disadvantaged adj. (Euphemistic) Poor; in financial difficulties.
DISADVANTAGESdisadvantages n. Plural of disadvantage.
disadvantages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disadvantage.
DISADVANTAGE v. to place at a disadvantage.
DISADVENTURESdisadventures n. Plural of disadventure.
DISADVENTURE n. (Spenser) a mishap, also DISAVENTURE.
INDIVIDUALISEindividualise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of individualize.
INDIVIDUALISE v. to make individual, also INDIVIDUALIZE.
INDIVIDUALISMindividualism n. The tendency for a person to act without reference to others, particularly in matters of style, fashion…
individualism n. The moral stance, political philosophy, or social outlook that promotes independence and self-reliance…
individualism n. (Logic) The doctrine that only individual things are real.
INDIVIDUALISTindividualist n. Someone who believes in individualism as a sociopolitical system.
individualist n. Someone who believes in the philosophy of individualism; a solipsist.
individualist n. Someone who does as they wish, unconstrained by external influences.
INDIVIDUATORSindividuators n. Plural of individuator.
INDIVIDUATOR n. one who individuates.
MISADVENTUREDmisadventured adj. (Obsolete) unfortunate.
MISADVENTURED adj. (Shakespeare) unfortunate.
OVERDIAGNOSEDoverdiagnosed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overdiagnose.
overdiagnosed adj. (Participial adjective) Diagnosed more often than it truly occurs.
overdiagnosed adj. (Participial adjective) Diagnosed as a clinical case despite truly being a subclinical, asymptomatic case.
UNADVISEDNESSunadvisedness n. The quality of being inadvisable.
UNADVISEDNESS n. the state of being unadvised.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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