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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2D, E, G and L

BIODEGRADABLEbiodegradable adj. Capable of being decomposed by biological activity, especially by microorganisms.
biodegradable n. Any material that can be decomposed by biological activity.
BIODEGRADABLE n. a product capable of being broken down esp into innocuous products by the action of living things (as microorganisms).
CANDLELIGHTEDcandlelighted adj. Candlelit.
CANDLELIGHTED adj. illuminated by candles, also CANDLELIT.
DEDUPLICATINGdeduplicating v. Present participle of deduplicate.
DEDUPLICATE v. to remove (duplicated material) from a system.
DEFEUDALISINGdefeudalising v. Present participle of defeudalise.
DEFEUDALISE v. to deprive of feudal character, also DEFEUDALIZE.
DEFEUDALIZINGdefeudalizing v. Present participle of defeudalize.
DEFEUDALIZE v. to deprive of feudal character, also DEFEUDALISE.
DEGRADABILITYdegradability n. (Uncountable) The condition of being degradable.
degradability n. (Countable) A measure of the extent to which something is degradable.
DEGRADABILITY n. the quality of being degradable.
DEGRINGOLADEDDEGRINGOLADE v. (French) to make a rapid descent.
DEGRINGOLADESdegringolades n. Plural of degringolade.
dégringolades n. Plural of dégringolade.
DEGRINGOLADE v. (French) to make a rapid descent.
DELEGITIMATEDdelegitimated v. Simple past tense and past participle of delegitimate.
DENDROLOGICALdendrological adj. Of, pertaining to dendrology.
DENDROLOGICAL adj. relating to dendrology, the study of trees, also DENDROLOGIC.
DISEMBRANGLEDdisembrangled v. Simple past tense and past participle of disembrangle.
DISEMBRANGLE v. (obsolete) to free from dispute.
DRAGGLETAILEDdraggletailed adj. Alternative spelling of draggle-tailed.
draggle-tailed adj. (Of a person or other animal, or of clothing) Slatternly, untidy, unkempt.
DRAGGLETAILED adj. (archaic) (esp. of a woman) bedraggled; besmirched.
GRANDCHILDRENgrandchildren n. Plural of grandchild.
GRANDCHILD n. the child of one's son or daughter.
GRIDDLEBREADSGRIDDLEBREAD n. bread made on a griddle.
LOGODAEDALIESlogodaedalies n. Plural of logodaedaly.
LOGODAEDALY n. verbal legerdemain, esp. in the imaginative or capricious coining of new words.
NONDEGRADABLEnondegradable adj. That does not degrade.
nondegradable n. A material that does not degrade.
NONDEGRADABLE adj. not degradable.
UNDEMANDINGLYundemandingly adv. In an undemanding way; not demanding anything or anyone.
WRONGHEADEDLYwrongheadedly adv. In a wrongheaded manner.
wrong-headedly adv. Alternative spelling of wrongheadedly.
WRONGHEADED adv. stubborn in adherence to wrong opinion or principles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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