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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, I, K, O and R

AUTORICKSHAWSautorickshaws n. Plural of autorickshaw.
AUTORICKSHAW n. a light, three-wheeled vehicle powered by a motorcycle engine, used in India, etc.
BACKCOUNTRIESbackcountries n. Plural of backcountry.
BACKCOUNTRY n. a remote rural region.
BACKGROUNDINGbackgrounding v. Present participle of background.
backgrounding n. The act by which something is backgrounded, in any sense.
backgrounding n. An intermediate stage in cattle production, between weaning and placement in a feedlot, during which…
BACKWARDATIONbackwardation n. In full normal backwardation: the situation in a futures market where the price for future delivery…
backwardation n. The situation in a stock market where the offer price for stock is lower than the bid price.
backwardation n. (Obsolete) In the London Stock Exchange: a fee paid by a seller on settlement day either to the buyer…
HYDROCRACKINGhydrocracking n. (Organic chemistry) the production of high-octane petroleum fuel and kerosene by hydrogenating large…
hydrocracking v. Present participle of hydrocrack.
HYDROCRACKING n. the process of cracking hydrocarbons in the presence of hydrogen.
JABBERWOCKIESjabberwockies n. Plural of jabberwocky.
JABBERWOCKY n. nonsense, gibberish, also JABBERWOCK.
KERATECTOMIESkeratectomies n. Plural of keratectomy.
KERATECTOMY n. surgical incision of the cornea.
KERATOPLASTICkeratoplastic adj. Relating to keratoplasty.
KERATOPLASTIC adj. relating to keratoplasty, plastic surgery on the cornea.
KLEPTOCRACIESkleptocracies n. Plural of kleptocracy.
KLEPTOCRACY n. a government by the corrupt in which rulers use their official positions for personal gain.
KURCHATOVIUMSKURCHATOVIUM n. a former name for rutherfordium, an artificially produced radioactive transuranic element.
MACROPINAKOIDMACROPINAKOID n. a crystalline pinacoid which runs parallel to the longer horizontal axis, also MACROPINACOID.
MICROCRACKINGmicrocracking v. Present participle of microcrack.
MICROCRACKING n. microscopic cracking.
MICROPLANKTONmicroplankton n. Microscopic zooplankton.
MICROPLANKTON n. very small plankton.
OVERPACKAGINGoverpackaging v. Present participle of overpackage.
OVERPACKAGE v. to package excessively.
PORCELAINLIKEporcelainlike adj. Resembling porcelain or some aspect of it.
PORCELAINLIKE adj. like porcelain.
SCRAPBOOKINGSSCRAPBOOKING n. the practice of keeping cuttings.
SOUNDTRACKINGsoundtracking v. Present participle of soundtrack.
SOUNDTRACK v. to provide with a soundtrack.
UNSCHOLARLIKEunscholarlike adj. Not scholarlike.
UNSCHOLARLIKE adj. not like a scholar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 343 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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