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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 10 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, H, 2M and P

AMPHISTOMATICamphistomatic adj. (Botany, of a leaf) Having stomata on both sides.
AMPHISTOMATIC adj. of a leaf, having stomata on both surfaces, also AMPHISTOMATAL.
APOCHROMATISMapochromatism n. (Optics) Freedom from both chromatic aberration and spherical aberration.
APOCHROMATISM n. being apochromatic.
CLAMJAMPHRIESclamjamphries n. Plural of clamjamphrie.
CLAMJAMPHRIE n. (Scots) rubbish, nonsense, also CLAMJAMFRY, CLANJAMFRAY.
COMMANDERSHIPcommandership n. The role of a commander.
COMMANDERSHIP n. the office of commander.
LYMPHOSARCOMAlymphosarcoma n. (Pathology) A diffuse malignant lymphoma.
LYMPHOSARCOMA n. a tumour of the lymph glands.
MESOCEPHALISMmesocephalism n. The property of being mesocephalic.
MESOCEPHALISM n. having a medium skull, also MESOCEPHALY.
MORPHEMICALLYmorphemically adv. By means of, or in terms, of morphemes.
MORPHEMIC adv. of or like a morpheme.
NYMPHOMANIACSnymphomaniacs n. Plural of nymphomaniac.
NYMPHOMANIAC n. one afflicted with nymphomania.
PANCHROMATISMpanchromatism n. Quality of being panchromatic.
PANCHROMATISM n. being equally sensitive to all colours.
SYMPATHECTOMYsympathectomy n. (Neurosurgery) The surgical cutting of a nerve in the sympathetic nervous system.
SYMPATHECTOMY n. the surgical excision of a sympathetic ganglion or other part of the sympathetic system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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