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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, G, L, S and Z

CHALAZOGAMIESCHALAZOGAMY n. the entry of the pollen tube through the chalaza, as opposed to porogamy.
CRYSTALLIZINGcrystallizing v. Present participle of crystallize.
DECASUALIZINGdecasualizing v. Present participle of decasualize.
DECASUALIZE v. (US) to replace the casual workers in (a business) with permanent employees, also DECASUALISE.
DESACRALIZINGdesacralizing v. Present participle of desacralize.
DESACRALIZE v. to divest of supernatural qualities, also DESACRALISE.
MASCULINIZINGmasculinizing v. Present participle of masculinize.
MASCULINIZE v. to make masculine, also MASCULINISE.
PHYSICALIZINGphysicalizing v. Present participle of physicalize.
RESOCIALIZINGresocializing v. Present participle of resocialize.
RESOCIALIZE v. to socialize again, also RESOCIALISE.
SUBVOCALIZINGsubvocalizing v. Present participle of subvocalize.
SUBVOCALIZE v. to say below the breath, also SUBVOCALISE.
SYZYGETICALLYsyzygetically adv. In a syzygetic manner.
SYZYGETIC adv. relating to a syzygy, also SYZYGAL, SYZYGIAL.
VASCULARIZINGvascularizing v. Present participle of vascularize.
VASCULARIZE v. to cause to become vascular, also VASCULARISE.
ZYGODACTYLISMzygodactylism n. Synonym of zygodactyly.
ZYGODACTYLISM n. the state of being zygodactylic, having two toes in front and two behind.
ZYGODACTYLOUSzygodactylous adj. (Ornithology) Having two toes pointing forward, and two toes pointing backward.
ZYGODACTYLOUS adj. of or like a zygodactyl, having two toes pointing forward and two backwards.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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