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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, 3C, H and S

ACCOUCHEMENTSaccouchements n. Plural of accouchement.
ACCOUCHEMENT n. (French) childbirth; a confinement.
BACKSCRATCHEDbackscratched v. Simple past tense and past participle of backscratch.
BACKSCRATCH v. to scratch the back; (figurative) to do favours in return for favours, to engage in servile flattery.
BACKSCRATCHERbackscratcher n. A long slender rod with a rake-like device on one end, sometimes in the form of a human hand, designed…
back␣scratcher n. Alternative spelling of backscratcher.
BACKSCRATCHER n. a person who practises backscratching.
BACKSCRATCHESbackscratches n. Plural of backscratch.
backscratches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backscratch.
BACKSCRATCH v. to scratch the back; (figurative) to do favours in return for favours, to engage in servile flattery.
CATECHISTICALcatechistical adj. Pertaining to a catechism.
CATECHISTICAL adj. relating to catechism, also CATECHISTIC.
CHIROPRACTICSchiropractics n. The practice of a chiropractor; chiropractic.
CHIROPRACTIC n. the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of mechanical disorders of the joints, esp. of the spine.
CHRYSOCRACIESCHRYSOCRACY n. the rule of wealth; plutocracy.
CICATRICHULESCICATRICHULE n. a white spot, the germinating point in the yolk of an egg, also CICATRICLE, CICATRICULA.
CINCHONACEOUScinchonaceous adj. Allied or pertaining to cinchona, or to the plants that produce it.
CINCHONACEOUS adj. belonging to the Cinchona genus of trees, that yield quinine.
COSMOCHEMICALcosmochemical adj. Of or pertaining to cosmochemistry.
COSMOCHEMICAL adj. relating to cosmochemistry.
CYCLOTHYMIACScyclothymiacs n. Plural of cyclothymiac.
CYCLOTHYMIAC n. one suffering from cyclothymia.
PTOCHOCRACIESptochocracies n. Plural of ptochocracy.
PTOCHOCRACY n. government by the poor.
SACCHAROMYCESsaccharomyces n. Any of many single-celled fungi of the genus Saccharomyces, which lack a true mycelium; especially the yeasts.
Saccharomyces prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Saccharomycetaceae – many yeasts, especially those involved in fermentation.
SACCHAROMYCES n. any of a genus of usually unicellular yeasts.
SPATCHCOCKINGspatchcocking n. The practice of making spatchcocked fowl, poultry, birds, in food preparation.
spatchcocking v. Present participle of spatchcock.
SPATCHCOCK v. to split open (a fowl, eel etc.) for grilling, also SPITCHCOCK.
STAPHYLOCOCCIstaphylococci n. Plural of staphylococcus.
STAPHYLOCOCCUS n. a bacteria causing infection in wounds etc.
SYNECDOCHICALsynecdochical adj. Using an inclusive term for something included, or vice versa; using something spoken of as the whole…
SYNECDOCHICAL adj. relating to synecdoche, also SYNECDOCHIC.
TECHNOCRACIEStechnocracies n. Plural of technocracy.
TECHNOCRACY n. government by technical experts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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