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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, 2L and 2U

BEAUTIFULLESTbeautifullest adj. Alternative spelling of beautifulest.
BEAUTIFUL adj. fair to look at.
BICULTURALISMbiculturalism n. The state or quality of being bicultural.
BICULTURALISM n. the state of being bicultural.
BURGLARIOUSLYburglariously adv. (Dated, law) As a burglar; in order to burgle.
BURGLARIOUS adv. (facetious) like a burglar.
MULTILOBULATEmultilobulate adj. Multilobulated.
MULTILOBULATE adj. having many lobules, also MULTILOBULAR.
SUBCLAVICULARsubclavicular adj. Beneath the clavicle.
SUBCLAVICULAR adj. situated below the clavicle.
SUBCULTURALLYsubculturally adv. In terms of a subculture.
SUBCULTURAL adv. relating to a subculture.
TUBERCULATELYtuberculately adv. In a tuberculate manner.
TUBERCULATE adv. bearing tubercles, knobbly projections or excrescences, also TUBERCULATED.
UNBEAUTIFULLYunbeautifully adv. In a manner that is unbeautiful (ugly or inelegant).
UNBEAUTIFUL adv. not beautiful.
UNFULFILLABLEunfulfillable adj. Not fulfillable.
UNFULFILLABLE adj. not capable of being fulfilled.
UNPLEASURABLEunpleasurable adj. That gives displeasure.
UNPLEASURABLE adj. not pleasurable.
UNPLEASURABLYunpleasurably adv. In an unpleasurable manner.
UNPLEASURABLE adv. not pleasurable.
UNPUBLISHABLEunpublishable adj. Not suitable for publication.
UNPUBLISHABLE adj. that cannot be published.
UNQUALIFIABLEunqualifiable adj. Not qualifiable.
UNQUALIFIABLE adj. not qualifiable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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