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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, E, G, H and U

BOARDINGHOUSEboardinghouse n. Alternative spelling of boarding house.
boarding␣house n. A private house in which paying residents are provided with accommodation and meals.
boarding␣house n. A boarding school building where boarders live during term time.
BREAKTHROUGHSbreakthroughs n. Plural of breakthrough.
BREAKTHROUGH n. an offensive thrust that penetrates and carries beyond a defensive line in warfare.
BREASTPLOUGHSbreastploughs n. Plural of breastplough.
BREASTPLOUGH n. a kind of spade for cutting turf, with a crossbar against which the breast is pressed.
DAUGHTERBOARDdaughterboard n. (Computing, electronics) A circuit board that is an extension of a motherboard or other card.
DAUGHTERBOARD n. a small circuit board that can be attached to the motherboard of a computer.
HEARTBURNINGSheartburnings n. Plural of heartburning.
HEARTBURNING n. intense or rancorous jealousy or resentment.
HOUSEBREAKINGhousebreaking n. The act of breaking into another person’s house with unlawful intent.
housebreaking v. (Animal training) present participle of housebreak.
HOUSEBREAKING n. the act of breaking into a house for the purpose of stealing.
HUMBLEBRAGGEDhumblebragged v. Simple past tense and past participle of humblebrag.
HUMBLEBRAG v. to make a statement that purports to be self-effacing but in fact reveals a person's wealth or importance.
LAUGHABLENESSlaughableness n. The state or quality of being laughable; ludicrousness.
LAUGHABLE n. ridiculous.
SCHLUMBERGERAschlumbergera n. (Botany) Any member of the cactus genus Schlumbergera.
Schlumbergera prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cactaceae – crab cactus, including the Christmas cactus or holiday cactus.
SCHLUMBERGERA n. Christmas cactus.
SLAUGHTERABLEslaughterable adj. Fit for slaughter.
SLAUGHTERABLE adj. that can be slaughtered.
STAGGERBUSHESstaggerbushes n. Plural of staggerbush.
STAGGERBUSH n. a shrubby heath of the Eastern US, poisonous to livestock.
SUBCHARTERINGSUBCHARTER v. to rent a chartered vehicle.
THOROUGHBRACEthoroughbrace n. (Dated) A leather strap supporting the body of a carriage, and attached to springs or serving as a spring itself.
THOROUGHBRACE n. any of several leather straps supporting the body of a carriage and serving as springs.
TURBOCHARGERSturbochargers n. Plural of turbocharger.
TURBOCHARGER n. a centrifugal blower driven by exhaust gas turbines and used to supercharge an engine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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