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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, C, M, N and Y

BATHYLIMNETICbathylimnetic adj. Living in the depths of a lake or marsh.
BATHYLIMNETIC adj. of an organism, living in the depths of lakes and marshes.
CHIMNEYBOARDSCHIMNEYBOARD n. a board blocking up a fireplace.
CHIMNEYBREASTchimneybreast n. Alternative form of chimney-breast.
chimney-breast n. (Architecture) The horizontal projection of a chimney from the wall in which it is built; commonly applied…
CHIMNEYBREAST n. the part of a wall that projects into a room and contains the fireplace and chimney.
COMBINABILITYcombinability n. The quality or state of being combinable.
COMBINABILITY n. the quality of being combinable.
COMMENSURABLYcommensurably adv. In a commensurable manner; so as to be commensurable.
COMMENSURABLE adv. measurable by the same standard; proportionate.
COMPANIONABLYcompanionably adv. In a companionable manner; agreeably, sociably.
CYBERCRIMINALcybercriminal n. A perpetrator of cybercrime.
cybercriminal adj. Relating to cybercrime.
CYBERCRIMINAL n. one who commits cybercrime, computer-related crime.
CYTOMEMBRANEScytomembranes n. Plural of cytomembrane.
CYTOMEMBRANE n. one of the cellular membranes including those of the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, and Golgi apparatus.
DISCRIMINABLYdiscriminably adv. So as to be discriminable; distinguishably.
DISCRIMINABLE adv. capable of being discriminated.
EMBRYONICALLYembryonically adv. In an embryonic way.
EMBRYONIC adv. of or like an embryo, also EMBRYONAL, EMBRYOTIC.
FLAMBOYANCIESflamboyancies n. Plural of flamboyancy.
FLAMBOYANCY n. the state of being flamboyant, also FLAMBOYANCE.
MACHINABILITYmachinability n. The condition of being machinable.
MACHINABILITY n. the state of being machinable, also MACHINEABILITY.
RECOMMENDABLYrecommendably adv. So as to deserve recommendation.
RECOMMENDABLE adv. worthy of recommendation.
UNCOMBATIVELYuncombatively adv. In an uncombative manner.
UNCOMFORTABLYuncomfortably adv. In an uncomfortable manner.
UNCOMFORTABLE adv. causing discomfort or annoyance.
UNCOMMENDABLYuncommendably adv. In an uncommendable manner.
UNCOMMENDABLE adv. that cannot be commended.
UNCONFORMABLYunconformably adv. In an unconformable manner.
UNCONFORMABLE adv. not conforming.
UNIMPEACHABLYunimpeachably adv. In an unimpeachable manner.
UNIMPEACHABLE adv. not impeachable.
UNRECLAIMABLYunreclaimably adv. Such that it cannot be reclaimed.
UNRECLAIMABLE adv. that cannot be reclaimed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 102 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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