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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, M, R and 2U

ACTINOURANIUMactinouranium n. Alternative spelling of actino-uranium.
actino-uranium n. Uranium-235.
ACTINOURANIUM n. the isotope of uranium that has a mass number of 235.
BUREAUCRATISMbureaucratism n. Bureaucratic policies or behaviour.
BUREAUCRATISM n. bureaucracy.
COMMUNAUTAIRECOMMUNAUTAIRE n. a spirit or attitude in keeping with or appropriate to the aims and principles of the European Union.
FUNAMBULATORSfunambulators n. Plural of funambulator.
FUNAMBULATOR n. a tightrope walker.
FUNAMBULATORYfunambulatory adj. Performing in the manner of a tightrope walker.
funambulatory adj. Narrow, like a tightrope.
FUNAMBULATORY adj. related to funambulation, tightrope-walking.
GRANULOMATOUSgranulomatous adj. (Pathology) Of, pertaining to, or characterised by granulomata.
GRANULOMATOUS adj. of or like a granuloma, a localized collection of granulation tissue.
INTRAMUSCULARintramuscular adj. Inside a muscle or the muscles.
INTRAMUSCULAR adj. situated in, occurring in, or administered by entering a muscle.
MANUFACTURERSmanufacturers n. Plural of manufacturer.
MANUFACTURER n. one that manufactures.
MANUFACTURINGmanufacturing n. The transformation of raw materials into finished products, usually on a large scale.
manufacturing n. The industry in which such products are made.
manufacturing adj. Used in manufacturing.
PARAMENSTRUUMparamenstruum n. The days immediately before and after menstruation.
PARAMENSTRUUM n. the four days before and the four days after the onset of menstruation.
QUADRUMVIRATEquadrumvirate n. Synonym of quattuorvirate.
QUADRUMVIRATE n. a group of four men acting together in some capacity.
REMANUFACTUREremanufacture v. To make a system or subsystem that meets the standards of one newly manufactured by disassembling a…
remanufacture n. This process.
REMANUFACTURE v. to manufacture into a new product.
SIMARUBACEOUSsimarubaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Simaroubaceae of tropical and subtropical trees.
SIMARUBACEOUS adj. belonging to the Simarubaceae, a family of tropical trees related to the Rutaceae, also SIMAROUBACEOUS.
SUBMANDIBULARsubmandibular adj. (Anatomy, relational) Below the mandible.
submandibular adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or relating to the submandibular gland.
SUBMANDIBULAR n. a submandibular part (as an artery or bone).
THAUMATURGICSthaumaturgics n. Feats of legerdemain, or magical performances.
THAUMATURGICS n. the performance of magic tricks using sleight-of-hand etc.
THAUMATURGIESthaumaturgies n. Plural of thaumaturgy.
THAUMATURGY n. the performance of miracles.
THAUMATURGISMthaumaturgism n. Thaumaturgy; miracle-working.
THAUMATURGISM n. belief in the performance of miracles.
THAUMATURGISTthaumaturgist n. A performer of thaumaturgy; a performer of miracles; a magician.
THAUMATURGIST n. a performer of miracles, also THAUMATURGUS.
TUBERCULOMATAtuberculomata n. Plural of tuberculoma.
TUBERCULOMA n. a slow-growing, circumscribed tuberculous lesion.
VIBRACULARIUMvibracularium n. Synonym of vibraculum.
VIBRACULARIUM n. a long bristle, a modified zooid, in some Polyzoa.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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