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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, F, L, N and Y

AFFECTIONALLYaffectionally adv. In an affectional manner.
AFFECTIONAL adv. relating to affection.
CONFABULATORYconfabulatory adj. Colloquial.
confabulatory adj. Conversational.
confabulatory adj. Confabulating (fabricating).
CYCLOPARAFFINcycloparaffin n. (Chemistry) A cycloalkane.
CYCLOPARAFFIN n. a saturated hydrocarbon containing a ring of carbon atoms joined by single bonds, aka cycloalkane.
FANTASTICALLYfantastically adv. In a fantastic manner.
fantastically adv. To an extent only in fantasy; outrageously; ridiculously.
FANTASTICAL adv. unreal.
FASCINATINGLYfascinatingly adv. In a fascinating manner.
FASCINATING adv. intriguing.
FAUNISTICALLYfaunistically adv. In terms of the distribution of animals.
FAUNISTIC adv. relating to fauna.
FLAMBOYANCIESflamboyancies n. Plural of flamboyancy.
FLAMBOYANCY n. the state of being flamboyant, also FLAMBOYANCE.
FRAGMENTARILYfragmentarily adv. In a fragmentary manner.
FRAGMENTARY adv. consisting of fragments.
FUNAMBULATORYfunambulatory adj. Performing in the manner of a tightrope walker.
funambulatory adj. Narrow, like a tightrope.
FUNAMBULATORY adj. related to funambulation, tightrope-walking.
FUNDAMENTALLYfundamentally adv. In a fundamental or basic sense; reaching the very core of the matter.
FUNDAMENTAL adv. basic.
GRANDFATHERLYgrandfatherly adj. In the manner of a grandfather.
grandfatherly adj. Having the characteristics of a grandfather.
GRANDFATHERLY adj. like a grandfather.
ICHTHYOFAUNALichthyofaunal adj. Relating to ichthyofauna.
ICHTHYOFAUNAL adj. of or relating to ichthyofauna.
INDEFATIGABLYindefatigably adv. In an extremely persistent and untiring manner; in an indefatigable manner.
INDEFATIGABLE adv. incapable of being fatigued.
INTERFACIALLYinterfacially adv. In an interfacial way.
INTERFACIAL adv. between plane faces; of an interface.
TRYPAFLAVINESTRYPAFLAVINE n. another name for acriflavine.
UNFAMILIARITYunfamiliarity n. Lack of familiarity; ignorance or inexperience.
UNFAMILIARITY n. the state of being unfamiliar.
UNFASHIONABLYunfashionably adv. In an unfashionable manner.
UNFASHIONABLE adv. not in keeping with the current fashion.
UNSTEADFASTLYunsteadfastly adv. In an unsteadfast manner.
UNSTEADFAST adv. not steadfast.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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