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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, F, 2L and O

AFFECTIONALLYaffectionally adv. In an affectional manner.
AFFECTIONAL adv. relating to affection.
CALORIFICALLYcalorifically adv. In a calorific manner.
CALORIFIC adv. of, pertaining to, or causing heat.
FLABELLATIONSflabellations n. Plural of flabellation.
FLABELLATION n. the act of fanning.
FLAGELLATIONSflagellations n. Plural of flagellation.
FLAGELLATION n. the act or practice of flagellating.
FLAGELLOMANIAflagellomania n. A penchant for whipping, or being whipped.
FLAGELLOMANIA n. an obsession with flogging.
FLAMMULATIONSflammulations n. Plural of flammulation.
FLAMMULATION n. flamelike marking.
FLANNELBOARDSflannelboards n. Plural of flannelboard.
FLANNELBOARD n. a teaching aid consisting of a board covered with flannel.
FLUCTUATIONALfluctuational adj. Of, pertaining to, or resulting from fluctuation(s).
FLUCTUATIONAL adj. showing fluctuation.
FORMULAICALLYformulaically adv. In a formulaic manner; according to an established formula.
FORMULAIC adv. of the nature of a formula.
JALOALLOFANESJALOALLOFANE n. a crystalline mineral which contains potassium and belongs to the feldspar group, aka hyalophane.
MAXILLOFACIALmaxillofacial adj. Of or relating to the jaw and face.
MAXILLOFACIAL adj. of, relating to, or treating the maxilla and the face.
MICROFILARIALmicrofilarial adj. Relating to the microfilariae.
MICROFILARIA adj. the minute larval form of a filarial worm.
NONFLAMMABLESnonflammables n. Plural of nonflammable.
PREFATORIALLYPREFATORIAL adv. serving as preface or opening remarks.
SCALARIFORMLYscalariformly adv. In a scalariform manner.
SCALARIFORM adv. shaped like a ladder.
SPADICIFLORALSPADICIFLORAL adj. having flowers in a spathe, as do arum, palms, and some other monocotyledons.
SULFATHIAZOLEsulfathiazole n. (Pharmacology) A short-acting sulfa drug, a common oral and topical antimicrobial prior to the discovery…
SULFATHIAZOLE n. a sulphonamide formerly used in human medicine against staphylococcal infection (now only used in veterinary medicine), also SULPHATHIAZOLE.
THALAMIFLORALthalamifloral adj. (Botany) Bearing the stamens directly on the receptacle.
THALAMIFLORAL adj. having petals free and stamens hypogynous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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