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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, E, N, R and W

AIRCRAFTWOMENaircraftwomen n. Plural of aircraftwoman.
AIRCRAFTWOMAN n. a member of the lowest (female) rank in the RAF, also AIRCRAFTSWOMAN.
ANSWERABILITYanswerability n. The state of being answerable.
ANSWERABILITY n. the quality of being answerable.
AWKWARDNESSESawkwardnesses n. Plural of awkwardness.
AWKWARDNESS n. the state of being awkward.
BALLANWRASSESBALLANWRASSE n. a species of wrasse, also BALLAN.
CATERWAULINGScaterwaulings n. Plural of caterwauling.
CATERWAULING n. making a harsh cry.
FARAWAYNESSESFARAWAYNESS n. the state of being faraway.
JAWBREAKINGLYjawbreakingly adv. In a way that is very difficult to say or pronounce.
JAWBREAKING adv. difficult to pronounce.
LOWERCLASSMANlowerclassman n. (US) Synonym of underclassman.
LOWERCLASSMAN n. a freshman or sophomore.
NORTHEASTWARDnortheastward adj. In or toward the northeast.
northeastward adv. Toward the northeast.
NORTHEASTWARD adv. in a northeasterly direction, also NORTHEASTWARDS.
QUARTERSAWINGquartersawing v. Present participle of quartersaw.
quarter␣sawing v. Present participle of quarter saw.
QUARTERSAW v. to saw (timber) into quarters along two diameters of a log at right angles to each other.
TURANGAWAEWAEturangawaewae n. (New Zealand) In Māori culture, one’s own land; a place to live in.
TURANGAWAEWAE n. (Maori) the area that is a person's home.
ULTRAWIDEBANDultrawideband adj. Describing a radio technology that uses a large portion of the radio spectrum.
ULTRAWIDEBAND n. a very broad bandwidth.
UNAWARENESSESunawarenesses n. Plural of unawareness.
UNAWARENESS n. the state of being unaware.
UNWARRANTABLEunwarrantable adj. Not warrantable; indefensible; not vindicable; not justifiable.
UNWARRANTABLE adj. not justifiable.
UNWARRANTEDLYunwarrantedly adv. In an unwarranted manner; without warrant; unjustifiably.
UNWARRANTED adv. not warranted.
WAKEBOARDINGSWAKEBOARDING n. a sport similar to waterskiing in which the participant is towed behind a motorboat while riding on a board like a short surfboard.
WATERBOARDINGwaterboarding n. A torture technique in which the victim is immobilized, has towels or rags wrapped over their face…
waterboarding v. Present participle of waterboard.
WATERBOARDING n. a form of torture in which the victim is immobilized and has water poured on his or her face, producing a severe gag reflex, to simulate drowning.
WATERMANSHIPSWATERMANSHIP n. the business, skill, or art of a waterman.
WAYWARDNESSESwaywardnesses n. Plural of waywardness.
WAYWARDNESS n. the state of being wayward.
WHATSHERNAMESWHATSHERNAME n. a designation for a female whose name one cannot remember, also WHATSERNAME.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 316 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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