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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, E, K and 2T

ANTIMARKETEERantimarketeer n. Alternative form of anti-marketeer.
anti-marketeer n. (Britain, dated) someone who was opposed to Britain joining the "Common Market" (European Union).
ANTIMARKETEER n. a person who was opposed to the United Kingdom joining the European Union.
BACKSCATTEREDbackscattered v. Past participle of backscatter.
BACKSCATTER v. to scatter in this way.
COUNTERATTACKcounterattack n. Alternative form of counter-attack.
counterattack v. Alternative form of counter-attack.
counter-attack n. An attack made in response to an attack by the opponents.
CYBERATTACKERcyberattacker n. (Internet) The perpetrator of a cyberattack.
KATHAROMETERSkatharometers n. Plural of katharometer.
KATHAROMETER n. an instrument measuring changes in composition of gases.
KERATOPLASTICkeratoplastic adj. Relating to keratoplasty.
KERATOPLASTIC adj. relating to keratoplasty, plastic surgery on the cornea.
LEATHERJACKETleatherjacket n. The larva of some crane flies.
leatherjacket n. Any of several brightly coloured tropical fishes, of the family Balistidae, including the filefish and…
leatherjacket n. Any of several Atlantic fishes, of the genus Oligoplites, that have a leathery skin; leatherjack.
MARKETABILITYmarketability n. The likelihood that something will sell; market appeal.
MARKETABILITY n. the state of being marketable.
MARKETISATIONmarketisation n. Alternative spelling of marketization.
MARKETISATION n. the process of bringing to market, also MARKETIZATION.
MARKETIZATIONmarketization n. The exposure of service industries to market forces.
marketization n. A restructuring process that enables state enterprises to operate as market-oriented firms by changing…
MARKETIZATION n. the process of bringing to market, also MARKETISATION.
OVERTALKATIVEovertalkative adj. Excessively talkative.
OVERTALKATIVE adj. excessively talkative.
STAKHANOVITESStakhanovites n. Plural of Stakhanovite.
STAKHANOVITE n. a superlative worker.
STATESMANLIKEstatesmanlike adj. Like a statesman, demonstrating the skills and qualities of a respected leader.
STATESMANLIKE adj. like a statesman.
STRAITJACKETSstraitjackets n. Plural of straitjacket.
STRAITJACKET v. to confine in or as if in a straitjacket.
STRATOTANKERSSTRATOTANKER n. a type of aeroplane which refuels other planes at high altitudes.
TALKABILITIESTALKABILITY n. the quality of being talkable, easy to converse with.
TALKATIVENESStalkativeness n. The state of being talkative.
TALKATIVE n. given to talking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 201 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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