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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, 2E and 2G

AGGLOMERATIVEagglomerative adj. Having a tendency to agglomerate.
AGGLOMERATIVE adj. tending to agglomerate.
AGGREGATENESSaggregateness n. The state or quality of being aggregate.
AGGREGATENESS n. the quality resulting from aggregation.
AGGREGATIVELYaggregatively adv. In an aggregative manner.
AGGREGATIVE adv. of or relating to an aggregate.
CARPETBAGGERScarpetbaggers n. Plural of carpetbagger.
carpet␣baggers n. Plural of carpet bagger.
CARPETBAGGER n. an opportunistic outsider, especially a political candidate who contests an election in an area while having little connection to it.
CARPETBAGGERYcarpetbaggery n. (Derogatory) The practice of a person coming to a place or organisation with which they have no previous…
CARPETBAGGERY n. the actions of a carpetbagger.
DISAGGREGATEDdisaggregated v. Simple past tense and past participle of disaggregate.
DISAGGREGATE v. to separate into component parts.
DISAGGREGATESdisaggregates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disaggregate.
DISAGGREGATE v. to separate into component parts.
DRAGGLETAILEDdraggletailed adj. Alternative spelling of draggle-tailed.
draggle-tailed adj. (Of a person or other animal, or of clothing) Slatternly, untidy, unkempt.
DRAGGLETAILED adj. (archaic) (esp. of a woman) bedraggled; besmirched.
EXAGGERATEDLYexaggeratedly adv. To an excessive degree; in an exaggerated manner.
EXAGGERATED adv. EXAGGERATE, to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth.
EXAGGERATIONSexaggerations n. Plural of exaggeration.
EXAGGERATION n. extravagant overstatement.
GAMOGENETICALGAMOGENETICAL adj. relating to gamogenesis, sexual reproduction, also GAMOGENETIC.
HAGGARDNESSESHAGGARDNESS n. the state of being haggard.
LAGGARDNESSESLAGGARDNESS n. the state of being a laggard, one who lags behind.
METALANGUAGESmetalanguages n. Plural of metalanguage.
METALANGUAGE n. a language used to talk about language.
REAGGREGATINGreaggregating v. Present participle of reaggregate.
REAGGREGATE v. to aggregate again.
REAGGREGATIONreaggregation n. Aggregation again or anew.
REAGGREGATION n. the act of reaggregating.
SEGREGATIONALsegregational adj. Of or pertaining to segregation.
SEGREGATIONAL adj. relating to segregation.
SUBAGGREGATESsubaggregates n. Plural of subaggregate.
SUBAGGREGATE n. part of an aggregate.
UNEXAGGERATEDunexaggerated adj. Not exaggerated; not an exaggeration.
UNEXAGGERATED adj. not exaggerated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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