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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, C, I, R and X

ALEXIPHARMICSalexipharmics n. Plural of alexipharmic.
ALEXIPHARMIC n. an antidote to poison.
CARBOXYLATINGcarboxylating v. Present participle of carboxylate.
CARBOXYLATE v. to introduce carboxyl or carbon dioxide into (a compound) with formation of a carboxylic acid.
CARBOXYLATIONcarboxylation n. (Organic chemistry) Any reaction that introduces a carboxylate group into a molecule.
CARBOXYLATION n. the act of carboxylating.
DEXTROCARDIACdextrocardiac n. One who has the heart on the right-hand side of the body.
DEXTROCARDIAC n. a person who has dextrocardia, a condition in which the heart is on the right-hand side of the chest.
DEXTROCARDIASdextrocardias n. Plural of dextrocardia.
DEXTROCARDIA n. a condition in which the heart is on the right-hand side of the chest.
EXACERBATIONSexacerbations n. Plural of exacerbation.
EXACERBATION n. the act of exarcebating.
EXCLAMATORILYexclamatorily adv. In an exclamatory way.
EXCLAMATORY adv. containing or expressing exclamation, also EXCLAMATIVE.
EXTRAGALACTICextragalactic adj. (Astronomy) Originating outside of the Milky Way galaxy.
extragalactic adj. (Astronomy) Originating outside of any galaxy.
extragalactic adj. (Science fiction) Originating outside of the local galaxy.
EXTRAJUDICIALextrajudicial adj. (Law) Out of or beyond the power or authority of a court or judge; beyond jurisdiction.
extrajudicial adj. (Law, of a punishment) Carried out without legal authority.
EXTRAJUDICIAL adj. not forming a valid part of regular legal proceedings.
EXTRAMETRICALextrametrical adj. (Linguistics) Exhibiting or relating to extrametricality.
EXTRAMETRICAL adj. in excess of the prescribed number of syllables in the line.
EXTRATROPICALextratropical adj. Occurring outside the tropics, usually in temperate latitudes.
extratropical adj. (Meteorology) Lacking or having lost tropical characteristics.
EXTRATROPICAL adj. outside the tropics.
ISOCARBOXAZIDisocarboxazid n. (Pharmacology) An antidepressant drug C12H13N3O2.
ISOCARBOXAZID n. an antidepressant drug.
LEXIGRAPHICALlexigraphical adj. Misspelling of lexicographical.
LEXIGRAPHICAL adj. relating to lexigraphy, the art of the definition of words, also LEXIGRAPHIC.
PARADOXICALLYparadoxically adv. In a paradoxical manner; so as to create a paradox.
PARADOXICAL adv. of the nature of a paradox, also PARADOXAL.
PRAXEOLOGICALpraxeological adj. Of or pertaining to praxeology.
PRAXEOLOGICAL adj. relating to praxeology.
XANTHOCHROIASXANTHOCHROIA n. yellowness of the skin.
XANTHOCHROMIAxanthochromia n. (Medicine) The yellowish appearance of cerebrospinal fluid that accompanies certain conditions, especially…
XANTHOCHROMIA n. any yellowish discoloration, esp. of the cerebrospinal fluid.
XYLOGRAPHICALxylographical adj. Xylographic.
XYLOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to xylography, the art of making engravings on wood, also XYLOGRAPHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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