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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, H and 2R

ANTIDIARRHEALantidiarrheal adj. Preventing or treating diarrhea.
antidiarrheal n. A substance or drug having such capabilities.
ANTIDIARRHEAL n. a drug used to counter diarrhea.
ARCHOSAURIANSarchosaurians n. Plural of archosaurian.
ARCHOSAURIAN n. any of a subclass of reptiles comprising pterosaurs, dinosaurs and crocodilians, also ARCHOSAUR.
AUTHORITARIANauthoritarian adj. Of, or relating to, or exhibiting strict obedience to an authority; favoring authoritarianism over civic…
authoritarian adj. Demanding obedience to authority; marked by authoritarianism; dictatorial, tyrannical.
authoritarian adj. Tending to impose one’s demands upon others as if one were an authority.
CARRAGHEENANSCARRAGHEENAN n. a colloid prepared from red algae, used in food processing, pharmaceuticals, etc., also CARAGEENAN, CARRAGEENAN, CARRAGEENIN, CARRAGHEENIN.
CHARLATANRIEScharlatanries n. Plural of charlatanry.
CHARLATANRY n. the practice of a charlatan.
GALACTORRHEASgalactorrheas n. Plural of galactorrhea.
GALACTORRHEA n. a too abundant flow of milk, also GALACTORRHOEA.
GALACTORRHOEAgalactorrhoea n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of galactorrhea.
galactorrhœa n. Alternative spelling of galactorrhea.
GALACTORRHOEA n. a too abundant flow of milk, also GALACTORRHEA.
HAPHAZARDRIEShaphazardries n. Plural of haphazardry.
HAPHAZARDRY n. the quality of being haphazard.
MATRIARCHATESmatriarchates n. Plural of matriarchate.
MATRIARCHATE n. a matriarchy.
PALAEOGRAPHERpalaeographer n. Alternative spelling of paleographer.
palæographer n. Obsolete spelling of paleographer.
PALAEOGRAPHER n. a student of palaeography, also PALAEOGRAPHIST.
PARAGRAPHICALparagraphical adj. Alternative form of paragraphic.
PARAGRAPHICAL adj. relating to paragraphs, also PARAGRAPHIC.
PARAGRAPHISTSparagraphists n. Plural of paragraphist.
PARAGRAPHIST n. a person who writes paragraphs, news items esp. for newspapers.
PARAPHERNALIAparaphernalia n. Miscellaneous items, especially the set of equipment required for a particular activity.
paraphernalia n. (Archaic, family law) Things a married woman owns, such as clothing and jewellery, apart from her dowry.
PARAPHERNALIA n. trappings, equipment, miscellaneous accessories.
PARAPHRASABLEparaphrasable adj. Able to be paraphrased.
PARAPHRASABLE adj. capable of being paraphrased.
PATRIARCHALLYpatriarchally adv. In a patriarchal manner.
PATRIARCHAL adv. of, relating to, or being a patriarch or patriarchy.
PATRIARCHATESpatriarchates n. Plural of patriarchate.
PATRIARCHATE n. the office of a patriarch.
PIPIWHARAUROAPIPIWHARAUROA n. (Maori) a Pacific migratory bird with metallic gold-green plumage.
SUBPARAGRAPHSsubparagraphs n. Plural of subparagraph.
sub-paragraphs n. Plural of sub-paragraph (alternative spelling of subparagraphs).
SUBPARAGRAPH n. a subdivision of a paragraph.
TETRADRACHMAStetradrachmas n. Plural of tetradrachma.
ULTRAMARATHONultramarathon n. A running race over a distance longer than 42.195 km, the length of a standard marathon.
ULTRAMARATHON n. a footrace longer than a marathon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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