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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, G, H and I

AGATHODAIMONSagathodaimons n. Plural of agathodaimon.
AGATHODAIMON n. (Greek) one's good genius; the good part of one's conscience.
ANYTHINGARIANanythingarian n. (Derogatory, religion) A person who does not profess any particular creed; an indifferentist.
ANYTHINGARIAN n. a person with no beliefs in particular.
ARCHIPELAGIANARCHIPELAGIAN adj. of, relating to, or located in an archipelago, also ARCHIPELAGIC.
AUTOGRAPHICALautographical adj. Relating to an autograph, or one’s own handwriting.
autographical adj. Relating to, or used in, the process of autography.
AUTOGRAPHICAL adj. of, relating to, or constituting an autograph, also AUTOGRAPHIC.
CACOGRAPHICALcacographical adj. Synonym of cacographic.
CACOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to cacography, bad handwriting or spelling, also CACOGRAPHIC.
CHALAZOGAMIESCHALAZOGAMY n. the entry of the pollen tube through the chalaza, as opposed to porogamy.
DIAPHRAGMATICdiaphragmatic adj. Of, pertaining to, or using a diaphragm.
DIAPHRAGMATIC adj. relating to the diaphragm.
ENCEPHALALGIAencephalalgia n. (Rare, medicine) headache, head pain.
ENCEPHALALGIA n. pain in the head; headache.
GIGANTOMACHIAGIGANTOMACHIA n. a war of giants, esp. against the gods, also GIGANTOMACHY.
HAEMANGIOMATAhaemangiomata n. Plural of haemangioma.
HAEMANGIOMA n. a usually benign tumour made up of blood vessels, also HEMANGIOMA.
PALAEOGRAPHICpalaeographic adj. Alternative form of paleographic.
palæographic adj. Archaic form of paleographic.
PALAEOGRAPHIC adj. related to palaeography, the study of ancient writings, also PALEOGRAPHICAL.
PARAGNATHISMSPARAGNATHISM n. having equal mandibles.
PARAGRAPHICALparagraphical adj. Alternative form of paragraphic.
PARAGRAPHICAL adj. relating to paragraphs, also PARAGRAPHIC.
PARAGRAPHISTSparagraphists n. Plural of paragraphist.
PARAGRAPHIST n. a person who writes paragraphs, news items esp. for newspapers.
PASIGRAPHICALpasigraphical adj. Of or relating to pasigraphy.
PASIGRAPHICAL adj. relating to pasigraphy, a system of universal ideographic writing, also PASIGRAPHIC.
STRAIGHTAWAYSstraightaways n. Plural of straightaway.
STRAIGHTAWAY n. five cards in sequence irrespective of suit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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