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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, L, M, N, R and V

EVANGELARIUMEVANGELARIUM n. a book containing passages from the gospels to be used as part of the liturgy, also EVANGELIAR, EVANGELIARION, EVANGELIARIUM, EVANGELIARY.
FLUVIOMARINEfluviomarine adj. (Geology) Formed by the joint action of a river and the sea.
FLUVIOMARINE adj. of deposits, formed by joint action of the sea and a river or stream.
GALVANOMETERgalvanometer n. (Physics) A device used to indicate the presence and direction of a small electric current, especially…
GALVANOMETER n. an instrument for measuring electrical current.
GALVANOMETRYgalvanometry n. The design and use of galvanometers.
GALVANOMETRY n. the measurement of electric currents.
GOVERNMENTALgovernmental adj. Relating to a government.
governmental adj. Relating to governing.
GOVERNMENTAL adj. relating to government.
INTERVALLUMSintervallums n. Plural of intervallum.
INTERVALLUM n. a gap, an interval.
MALVERSATIONmalversation n. Corrupt behaviour, illegitimate activity, especially by someone in authority.
MALVERSATION n. dishonest or unethical conduct in office, such as bribery, extortion or embezzlement.
MANEUVERABLEmaneuverable adj. (Often in combination) Able to be maneuvered.
MANEUVERABLE adj. capable of being maneuvered.
MANOEUVRABLEmanoeuvrable adj. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of maneuverable.
manœuvrable adj. Obsolete form of maneuverable.
MANOEUVRABLE adj. able to be manoeuvred.
OVERCLAIMINGoverclaiming v. Present participle of overclaim.
OVERCLAIM v. to claim excessively.
PREVAILMENTSprevailments n. Plural of prevailment.
PREVAILMENT n. (Shakespeare) the power of overcoming.
RUMINATIVELYruminatively adv. In a ruminative way.
RUMINATIVE adv. tending to ruminate.
UNIVERSALISMuniversalism n. The state of being universal; universality.
universalism n. (Theology) The belief that all souls can attain salvation.
universalism n. Alternative form of Unitarian Universalism.
UNRAVELMENTSunravelments n. Plural of unravelment.
UNRAVELMENT n. the state of being unravelled.
VENTROMEDIALventromedial adj. (Anatomy) Both ventral and medial.
VENTROMEDIAL adj. ventral and medial.
VOLUNTARISMSvoluntarisms n. Plural of voluntarism.
VOLUNTARISM n. the philosophical doctrine that the will dominates the intellect.
VOLUNTARYISMvoluntaryism n. Alternative form of voluntarism.
VOLUNTARYISM n. the principle or practice of reliance on voluntary action, not coercion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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