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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, K, 2N, R and T

AEROPLANKTONaeroplankton n. The tiny lifeforms that float and drift in the air, carried by the current of the wind.
AEROPLANKTON n. minute organisms carried in the air.
CANTANKEROUScantankerous adj. Given to or marked by an ill-tempered, quarrelsome nature; ill-tempered, cranky, crabby.
CANTANKEROUS adj. difficult or irritating to deal with.
CRYOPLANKTONCRYOPLANKTON n. minute organisms, esp. algae, living in ice, snow, or icy water.
ENTEROKINASEenterokinase n. (Biochemistry) An enzyme, secreted by the upper intestinal mucosa, that catalyzes the activation of…
ENTEROKINASE n. an enzyme esp. of the duodenal mucosa that activates trypsinogen by converting it to trypsin.
FRANKLINITESfranklinites n. Plural of franklinite.
FRANKLINITE n. a zinc-manganese mineral, mined at Franklin Forge, New Jersey, USA.
HETEROKONTANheterokontan adj. Belonging to the heterokonts.
HETEROKONTAN adj. of or like a heterokont, a kind of yellow-green alga.
KERATINISINGkeratinising v. Present participle of keratinise.
KERATINISE v. to make keratinous, also KERATINIZE.
KERATINIZINGkeratinizing v. Present participle of keratinize.
KERATINIZE v. to make keratinous, also KERATINISE.
KINDERGARTENkindergarten n. (North America, Australia) An educational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and…
kindergarten n. (North America, Australia) The elementary school grade before first grade.
kindergarten n. (Philippines) The two levels between nursery and prep; the second and third years of preschool.
MEROPLANKTONmeroplankton n. (Biology) Any organism that spends part of its life-cycle (especially the larval stage) as plankton.
MEROPLANKTON n. plankton consisting of certain larvae that do not spend all their life as plankton.
NOMENKLATURAnomenklatura n. (Now historical) A list of bureaucratic posts in government and industry in the former Soviet Union…
nomenklatura n. The people on such lists; (by extension), any privileged class, a social or political elite.
NOMENKLATURA n. (Russian) officeholders and managers in a communist regime.
PRINTMAKINGSPRINTMAKING n. the act of making prints.
RANKSHIFTINGrankshifting v. Present participle of rankshift.
RANKSHIFT v. to shift or be shifted from one linguistic rank to another.
UNDERBLANKETunderblanket n. A blanket placed directly on the mattress of a bed.
UNDERBLANKET n. a blanket for use under another blanket.
UNDERTAKINGSundertakings n. Plural of undertaking.
UNDERTAKING n. an enterprise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 191 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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