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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, H, 3L and O

ALLELOMORPHSallelomorphs n. Plural of allelomorph.
ALLELOMORPH n. any one of the two or more possible forms of a gene, also ALLEL, ALLELE.
ALLELOPATHICallelopathic adj. Relating to an allelopathy.
ALLELOPATHIC adj. relating to allelopathy.
ALLYCHOLLIESALLYCHOLLY n. (Shakespeare) melancholy, also ALLICHOLY.
CATHOLICALLYcatholically adv. In a catholic manner.
Catholically adv. In a Catholic manner; in terms of Catholicism.
CATHOLIC adv. universal, general.
CHOLERICALLYcholerically adv. In a choleric manner.
CHOLERIC adv. bad-tempered.
HELICOIDALLYhelicoidally adv. In the form of a helicoid.
HELICOIDAL adv. relating to a helicoid, a flattened spiral.
HELLACIOUSLYhellaciously adv. In a hellacious manner.
HELLACIOUS adv. exceptionally powerful or violent.
HOLISTICALLYholistically adv. In a holistic manner.
HOLISTIC adv. considering the whole e.g. holistic medicine, also WHOLISTIC.
HULLABALLOOShullaballoos n. Plural of hullaballoo.
hullaballoos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hullaballoo.
HULLABALLOO n. a confused noise; an uproar, also HULLABALOO.
LITHOLOGICALlithological adj. Of or pertaining to lithology.
LITHOLOGICAL adj. relating to lithology, the study of rocks, also LITHOLOGIC.
MELANCHOLILYmelancholily adv. In a melancholy manner.
MELANCHOLY adv. sad, gloomy.
PHELLODERMALphellodermal adj. Of or pertaining to phelloderm.
PHELLODERMAL adj. relating to the phelloderm.
PHILOLOGICALphilological adj. Of or pertaining to the history of literature and words.
philological adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to historical linguistics.
PHILOLOGICAL adj. of or pertaining to philology, also PHILOLOGIC.
PHYLLOCLADESphylloclades n. Plural of phylloclade.
PHYLLOCLADE n. another name for a cladode, also PHYLLOCLAD.
PHYLLOPLANESphylloplanes n. Plural of phylloplane.
PHYLLOPLANE n. the surface of a leaf considered as a habitat, esp. for microorganisms.
POLYALCOHOLSpolyalcohols n. Plural of polyalcohol.
POLYALCOHOL n. an alcohol that contains more than one hydroxyl group.
SMALLCLOTHESsmallclothes n. Knee-length breeches, worn especially in the 18th century.
smallclothes n. (Britain, archaic) Underwear and other small items of clothing.
SMALLCLOTHES n. knee-breeches, esp. those of the close-fitting eighteenth century form.
SMALLHOLDERSsmallholders n. Plural of smallholder.
SMALLHOLDER n. one who keeps a smallholding.
SMALLHOLDINGsmallholding n. A small farm.
smallholding n. (US, historical) A small plantation or land with a small number of slaves (generally 19 or less). Contrasted…
small␣holding n. Alternative form of smallholding.
STALLHOLDERSstallholders n. Plural of stallholder.
STALLHOLDER n. one who manages a stall at which articles are sold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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