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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, G, H, I, O and Z

ALCOHOLIZINGalcoholizing v. Present participle of alcoholize.
ALCOHOLIZE v. to convert into or saturate with alcohol.
ANTHOLOGIZEDanthologized v. Simple past tense and past participle of anthologize.
ANTHOLOGIZE v. to make an anthology, also ANTHOLOGISE.
ANTHOLOGIZERanthologizer n. Agent noun of anthologize; one who creates an anthology.
ANTHOLOGIZER n. one who makes an anthology, also ANTHOLOGISER.
ANTHOLOGIZESanthologizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of anthologize.
ANTHOLOGIZE v. to make an anthology, also ANTHOLOGISE.
BIOGRAPHIZEDbiographized v. Simple past tense and past participle of biographize.
BIOGRAPHIZE v. to make the subject of a biography, also BIOGRAPHISE.
BIOGRAPHIZESbiographizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of biographize.
BIOGRAPHIZE v. to make the subject of a biography, also BIOGRAPHISE.
CHALAZOGAMICchalazogamic adj. Relating to chalazogamy.
CHALAZOGAMIC adj. relating to chalazogamy, the entry of the pollen tube through the chalaza.
GOLIATHIZINGGOLIATHIZE v. to play Goliath, exaggerate extravagantly, also GOLIATHISE.
MONARCHIZINGmonarchizing v. Present participle of monarchize.
MONARCHIZE v. to play the sovereign; to act the monarch, also MONARCHISE.
PATHOLOGIZEDpathologized v. Simple past tense and past participle of pathologize.
PATHOLOGIZE v. to make pathological, also PATHOLOGISE.
PATHOLOGIZESpathologizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pathologize.
PATHOLOGIZE v. to make pathological, also PATHOLOGISE.
PHAGOCYTIZEDphagocytized v. Simple past tense and past participle of phagocytize.
PHAGOCYTIZE v. to consume by phagocytosis, also PHAGOCYTISE.
PHAGOCYTIZESphagocytizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of phagocytize.
PHAGOCYTIZE v. to consume by phagocytosis, also PHAGOCYTISE.
RHAPSODIZINGrhapsodizing v. Present participle of rhapsodize.
rhapsodizing n. The act of one who rhapsodizes; lyrical expression.
RHAPSODIZE v. to utter as a rhapsody, or in the manner of a rhapsody, also RHAPSODISE.
RHIZOPHAGOUSrhizophagous adj. Feeding on roots.
RHIZOPHAGOUS adj. feeding on roots.
ZINCOGRAPHERzincographer n. A practitioner of zincography.
ZINCOGRAPHER n. one who produces zincographs.
ZINCOGRAPHICzincographic adj. Of or pertaining to zincography.
ZINCOGRAPHIC adj. relating to zincography, an engraving process in which zinc is covered with wax and etched, also ZINCOGRAPHICAL.
ZOOGRAPHICALzoographical adj. Of or pertaining to zoography.
ZOOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to zoography, the painting or description of animals, also ZOOGRAPHIC.
ZOOGRAPHISTSzoographists n. Plural of zoographist.
zoögraphists n. Plural of zoögraphist.
ZOOGRAPHIST n. one who describes animals, their forms and habits, also ZOOGRAPHER.
ZYGAPOPHYSISzygapophysis n. (Anatomy) One of the articular processes of a vertebra, of which there are usually four, two superior…
ZYGAPOPHYSIS n. any of the yoke-pieces or articulations of the vertebrae.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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