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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing A, 2G, I, T and V

AGGRAVATIONSaggravations n. Plural of aggravation.
AGGRAVATION n. an act or circumstance that intensifies or makes worse.
AGGRESSIVITYaggressivity n. The quality of being aggressive.
aggressivity n. (Geology) The acidic ability of water (when it contains dissolved carbon dioxide) to dissolve calcium…
AGGRESSIVITY n. aggressiveness.
AGGRIEVEMENTaggrievement n. The state of being aggrieved.
AGGRIEVEMENT n. the state of being aggrieved.
CONGREGATIVEcongregative adj. That congregates.
CONGREGATIVE adj. collecting together.
EXAGGERATIVEexaggerative adj. Marked by exaggeration.
EXAGGERATIVE adj. tending to exaggerate.
GAINSTRIVINGgainstriving n. A striving against; contention.
gainstriving v. Present participle of gainstrive.
GAINSTRIVE v. (obsolete) to strive or struggle against.
GALLIVANTINGgallivanting v. Present participle of gallivant.
gallivanting n. Roaming about for pleasure.
GALLIVANT v. to roam about for pleasure without any definite plan, also GALAVANT, GALIVANT.
INVAGINATINGinvaginating v. Present participle of invaginate.
INVAGINATE v. to ensheath.
INVIGILATINGinvigilating v. Present participle of invigilate.
INVIGILATE v. to keep watch; esp. to supervise students at an examination.
INVIGORATINGinvigorating v. Present participle of invigorate.
invigorating adj. Giving strength, energy and vitality.
INVIGORATE v. to give life and energy to.
REVEGETATINGrevegetating v. Present participle of revegetate.
REVEGETATE v. to vegetate anew.
THANKSGIVINGthanksgiving n. An expression of gratitude.
thanksgiving n. A short prayer said at meals; grace, a benediction.
thanksgiving n. A public celebration in acknowledgement of divine favour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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