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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing A, F, H, 2R and S

AFTERGROWTHSaftergrowths n. Plural of aftergrowth.
AFTERGROWTH n. a later growth, an aftermath.
ARCHERFISHESarcherfishes n. Plural of archerfish.
ARCHERFISH n. a kind of fish that shoots a jet of water to knock down insects.
AUTHORCRAFTSAUTHORCRAFT n. the craft of the author.
ENFRANCHISERenfranchiser n. One who enfranchises.
ENFRANCHISER n. one who enfranchises.
FLASHFORWARDflashforward n. (Authorship) A dramatic device in which a future event is inserted into the normal chronological flow of a narrative.
flashforward v. To use this dramatic device.
flash␣forward v. (Of a memory or vision) To move forward in time.
FORESHADOWERforeshadower n. One who or that which foreshadows.
FORESHADOWER n. one who foreshadows.
FURTHERANCESfurtherances n. Plural of furtherance.
FURTHERANCE n. the act of furthering.
GRANDFATHERSgrandfathers n. Plural of grandfather.
grandfathers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of grandfather.
GRANDFATHER n. the father of one's mother or father.
HETEROGRAFTSheterografts n. Plural of heterograft.
HETEROGRAFT n. a graft of tissue between individuals of different species, a xenograft.
HYPERSURFACEhypersurface n. (Mathematics) A n-dimensional surface in a space (often a Euclidean space) of dimension n+1.
HYPERSURFACE n. a figure that is the analogue in hyperspace of a surface in three-dimensional space.
MOTHERCRAFTSMOTHERCRAFT n. the craft of being a mother.
PARROTFISHESparrotfishes n. Plural of parrotfish.
PARROTFISH n. a brightly coloured tropical fish, having parrot-like jaws.
SHAREFARMERSsharefarmers n. Plural of sharefarmer.
SHAREFARMER n. a tenant farmer who pays a share of the proceeds as rent.
SHATTERPROOFshatterproof adj. Resistant to shattering; difficult to break.
shatterproof v. (Transitive) To make resistant to shattering.
SHATTERPROOF adj. proof against shattering.
THROUGHFARESthroughfares n. Plural of throughfare.
THROUGHFARE n. (Shakespeare) a thoroughfare.
WHARFMASTERSwharfmasters n. Plural of wharfmaster.
WHARFMASTER n. one who controls a wharf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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