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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, E, 2N, U and Z

ALBUMENIZINGalbumenizing v. Present participle of albumenize.
ALBUMENIZE v. to cover or impregnate with albumen or an albuminous solution.
DEHUMANIZINGdehumanizing v. Present participle of dehumanize.
dehumanizing n. An act of dehumanization.
DEHUMANIZE v. to deprive of human qualities, also DEHUMANISE.
DENATURIZINGdenaturizing v. Present participle of denaturize.
DENATURIZE v. to remove the nature from, also DENATURISE.
DIBENZOFURANdibenzofuran n. (Organic chemistry) The tricyclic heterocycle in which two benzene rings are fused to that of furan;…
DIBENZOFURAN n. a highly toxic chemical compound that is used in chemical synthesis and as an insecticide.
FLUPHENAZINEfluphenazine n. (Pharmacology) An antipsychotic drug of the phenothiazine class, which can be administered orally or by injection.
FLUPHENAZINE n. a tranquilizer used esp. in the form of its hydrochloride.
HAUSSMANNIZEHaussmannize v. (Transitive) To destroy the old in order to build the new (in the manner of Baron Haussmann’s rebuilding of Paris).
HAUSSMANNIZE v. to open out, generally to rebuild, as Baron Haussmann did in Paris as prefect of the Seine (1853-70), also HAUSSMANNISE.
MUTAGENIZINGmutagenizing v. Present participle of mutagenize.
MUTAGENIZE v. to treat with mutagens, also MUTAGENISE.
NEBULIZATIONnebulization n. The process of forming nebulae.
nebulization n. The conversion of a liquid to a fine spray.
NEBULIZATION n. the act of nebulizing, also NEBULISATION.
NEUTRALIZINGneutralizing v. (American spelling) present participle of neutralize.
NEUTRALIZE v. to render neutral, also NEUTRALISE.
NUCLEARIZINGnuclearizing v. Present participle of nuclearize.
NUCLEARIZE v. to make nuclear; to fit nuclear weapons, also NUCLEARISE.
OUTBRAZENINGoutbrazening v. Present participle of outbrazen.
OUTBRAZEN v. to be more brazen than.
REHUMANIZINGrehumanizing v. Present participle of rehumanize.
REHUMANIZE v. to make human again, also REHUMANISE.
SENSUALIZINGsensualizing v. Present participle of sensualize.
SENSUALIZE v. to make sensual, also SENSUALISE.
UNANALYZABLEunanalyzable adj. Alternative spelling of unanalysable.
UNANALYZABLE adj. not analyzable, also UNANALYSABLE.
UNAPPETIZINGunappetizing adj. Not appetizing.
UNAPPETIZING adj. not appetizing.
UNMECHANIZEDunmechanized adj. Not mechanized.
UNMECHANIZE v. (Sterne) to disorganise, also UNMECHANISE.
UNNATURALIZEunnaturalize v. (Transitive, rare) To make unnatural.
UNNATURALIZE v. to undo the naturalisation of, also UNNATURALISE.
UNPATRONIZEDunpatronized adj. Not patronized.
UNPATRONIZED adj. not patronized, also UNPATRONISED.
UNSENSUALIZEunsensualize v. (Transitive) To elevate from the domain of the senses; to purify.
UNSENSUALIZE v. to free from the dominion of the senses, also UNSENSUALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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