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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, E, H, M, O and W

COCHAIRWOMENcochairwomen n. Plural of cochairwoman.
COCHAIRWOMAN n. a female cochairman.
COMMONWEALTHcommonwealth n. (Obsolete) The well-being of a community.
commonwealth n. The entirety of a (secular) society, a polity, a state.
commonwealth n. Republic. Often capitalized, as Commonwealth.
DOOMWATCHERSdoomwatchers n. Plural of doomwatcher.
DOOMWATCHER n. one who engages in doomwatching.
FLAMETHROWERflamethrower n. A device that projects a flame for starting fires, and sometimes also additional fuel to help ignition…
flame␣thrower n. Alternative spelling of flamethrower.
FLAMETHROWER n. a device that expels from a nozzle a burning stream of liquid or semiliquid fuel under pressure.
HOUSEWARMINGhousewarming n. (Idiomatic) A party to celebrate moving into a new home.
housewarming n. The act of welcoming a person/family to their newly purchased or newly rented home.
house-warming n. Alternative spelling of housewarming.
NAMEWORTHIERNAMEWORTHY adj. worth naming, distinguished.
SHOWMANLIESTSHOWMANLY adj. having the manner of a showman.
WAREHOUSEMANwarehouseman n. A person who manages, or works in, a warehouse.
warehouseman n. (UK, obsolete) One who keeps a wholesale shop for woollen goods.
WAREHOUSEMAN n. a person who manages or works in a warehouse.
WAREHOUSEMENwarehousemen n. Plural of warehouseman.
WAREHOUSEMAN n. a person who manages or works in a warehouse.
WEATHERWOMANweatherwoman n. A female weather broadcaster.
Weatherwoman n. A female member of the radical group Weatherman.
WEATHERWOMAN n. a woman who delivers the weather forecast.
WEATHERWOMENweatherwomen n. Plural of weatherwoman.
Weatherwomen n. Plural of Weatherwoman.
WEATHERWOMAN n. a woman who delivers the weather forecast.
WHOREMASTERSwhoremasters n. Plural of whoremaster.
WHOREMASTER n. (archaic) one who runs whores.
WHOREMASTERYWHOREMASTERY n. the keeping of whores.
WOMANISHNESSwomanishness n. The state or condition of being womanish.
WOMANISHNESS n. the state of being womanish.
YELLOWHAMMERyellowhammer n. A passerine bird, Emberiza citrinella, of western Eurasia, which is mainly yellow in colour.
yellowhammer n. (US) The northern flicker, Colaptes auratus.
yellowhammer n. A native or resident of the American state of Alabama.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 107 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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