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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, 2E, T and 2V

ADVERSATIVESadversatives n. Plural of adversative.
ADVERSATIVE n. a word or phrase expressing opposition.
ASSEVERATIVEasseverative adj. Characterized by asseveration; asserting positively.
ASSEVERATIVE adj. relating to asseveration.
CONSERVATIVEconservative n. A person who favors maintenance of the status quo.
conservative adj. Cautious, moderate.
conservative adj. Tending to resist change or innovation.
CONVERSATIVEconversative adj. (Dated) Relating to conversation with others; social.
conversative adj. (Dated) Chatty; inclined to talk.
CONVERSATIVE adj. ready to talk.
DERIVATIVELYderivatively adv. In a derivative fashion.
DERIVATIVE adv. formed by derivation.
DEVERBATIVESdeverbatives n. Plural of deverbative.
DEVERBATIVE n. a noun derived from a verb e.g. worker.
OVERDEVIATEDOVERDEVIATE v. to deviate excessively.
OVERDEVIATESOVERDEVIATE v. to deviate excessively.
OVEREVALUATEoverevaluate v. (Transitive) To evaluate and rank too highly; overvalue.
OVERHARVESTSoverharvests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overharvest.
OVERHARVEST v. to harvest to excess.
OVERVOLTAGESovervoltages n. Plural of overvoltage.
OVERVOLTAGE n. the excess potential required for the discharge of an ion at an electrode over and above the equilibrium potential of the electrode.
PRESERVATIVEpreservative n. (Countable) Any agent, natural or artificial that acts to preserve, especially when added to food.
preservative adj. Tending to preserve.
PRESERVATIVE adj. serving to preserve.
PREVENTATIVEpreventative adj. Alternative form of preventive.
preventative n. Alternative form of preventive.
PREVENTATIVE adj. acting to prevent, also PREVENTIVE.
VEGETATIVELYvegetatively adv. In a vegetative manner; without sexual reproduction.
vegetatively adv. In terms of vegetation.
VEGETATIVE adv. growing, as plants; reproducing by vegetative organs rather than special structures.
VERIFICATIVEverificative adj. Serving to verify or authenticate.
VERIFICATIVE adj. serving to verify, also VERIFICATORY.
VESUVIANITESvesuvianites n. Plural of vesuvianite.
VESUVIANITE n. a silicate of calcium, magnesium, and aluminium, aka idocrase, occurring as brown, yellow, or green crystals or masses in metamorphosed limestones.
VITATIVENESSvitativeness n. Quality of being vitative.
VITATIVENESS n. the state of being vitative.
VITUPERATIVEvituperative adj. Marked by harsh, spoken, or written abuse; abusive, often with ranting or railing.
VITUPERATIVE adj. uttering or given to censure, also VITUPERATORY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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