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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, 2E, F, G and O

AGROFORESTERagroforester n. One who takes part in agroforestry.
AGROFORESTER n. one who practices agroforestry.
FERROMAGNETSferromagnets n. Plural of ferromagnet.
FERROMAGNET n. a type of strong magnet.
FESTIVALGOERfestivalgoer n. A person attending a festival.
festival-goer n. Alternative form of festivalgoer.
FESTIVALGOER n. one who attends a festival.
FORECARRIAGEforecarriage n. The forward part of the running gear of a four-wheeled carriage.
FORECARRIAGE n. the front part of a carriage, with an arrangement for independent movement of the fore-wheels.
FOREGATHEREDforegathered v. Simple past tense and past participle of foregather.
FOREGATHER v. to gather together, assemble, also FORGATHER.
FOREREACHINGforereaching v. Present participle of forereach.
FOREREACH v. to glide ahead, esp. when going in stay.
FORESPEAKINGforespeaking v. Present participle of forespeak.
forespeaking n. (Obsolete) A foretelling; a prediction.
forespeaking n. (Obsolete) A preface.
FORESWEARINGforeswearing v. Present participle of foreswear.
FORESWEAR v. to renounce, also FORSWEAR.
FORETEACHINGforeteaching v. Present participle of foreteach.
FORETEACH v. to teach beforehand.
FORETRIANGLEforetriangle n. (Nautical) A triangular space on a sailing ship between the deck, foremast, and forestay.
FORETRIANGLE n. the triangular area formed by the deck, foremast, and headstay of a sailing vessel.
FREELOADINGSFREELOADING n. eating at someone else's expense, gaining from someone else's efforts.
GREASEPROOFSgreaseproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of greaseproof.
GREASEPROOF n. paper proof against grease.
HETEROGRAFTSheterografts n. Plural of heterograft.
HETEROGRAFT n. a graft of tissue between individuals of different species, a xenograft.
OVERFATIGUEDoverfatigued v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfatigue.
OVERFATIGUED adj. excessively fatigued.
OVERFATIGUESoverfatigues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overfatigue.
OVERFATIGUE n. a state of excessive fatigue.
REFLECTOGRAMreflectogram n. The set of data captured in an application of reflectography.
REFLECTOGRAM n. an image produced by reflectography.
REFRIGERATORrefrigerator n. A household appliance used for keeping food fresh by refrigeration (short form fridge).
refrigerator n. A similar device used to keep non-food items cold, such as blood, photographic film, drugs, or pharmaceuticals…
refrigerator n. One who has a chilling influence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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