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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing A, D, 3O and P

DROMOPHOBIASDROMOPHOBIA n. a fear of crossing streets.
GASTROPODOUSgastropodous adj. Of or pertaining to gastropods (snails and the like).
GASTROPODOUS adj. like a gastropod.
GONADOTROPICgonadotropic adj. That stimulates, or promotes the growth of the gonads.
gonadotropic adj. Of, pertaining to, or similar in function to gonadotropin.
GONADOTROPIC adj. stimulating the gonads, also GONADOTROPHIC.
GONADOTROPINgonadotropin n. Any of a group of protein hormones secreted by gonadotrope cells of the pituitary gland of vertebrates.
GONADOTROPIN n. a gonadotropic hormone, as follicle-stimulating hormone.
MONOPODIALLYmonopodially adv. By means of a monopodium.
MONOPODIAL adv. having a monopodium or a single and continuous axis, as a birchen twig or a cornstalk.
ODONTOGRAPHSodontographs n. Plural of odontograph.
ODONTOGRAPH n. an instrument for obtaining curves for gear-teeth.
ODONTOGRAPHYodontography n. A scientific description of the teeth.
ODONTOGRAPHY n. a description or history of teeth.
ODONTOPHOBIAodontophobia n. An irrational fear of dentistry.
ODONTOPHOBIA n. the fear of teeth.
ODONTOPHORALodontophoral adj. Relating to the odontophore.
ODONTOPHORAL adj. of or like an odontophore, the rasping apparatus in molluscs, also ODONTOPHORAN.
ODONTOPHORANODONTOPHORAN n. an odontophore, the rasping apparatus in molluscs.
PARADOXOLOGYparadoxology n. (Obsolete) The use of paradoxes.
PARADOXOLOGY n. the holding or maintaining of paradoxes.
PHOTOCATHODEphotocathode n. (Physics) A cathode that emits electrons when exposed to light.
PHOTOCATHODE n. a cathode that emits electrons when exposed to radiant energy and esp. light.
POSTDOCTORALpostdoctoral adj. After receiving a doctorate; especially of academic research or study beyond the level of a doctoral degree.
postdoctoral n. Synonym of postdoc.
POSTDOCTORAL n. a degree beyond the doctoral level.
PROSAUROPODSprosauropods n. Plural of prosauropod.
PROSAUROPOD n. a reptile-like dinosaur of the division Prosauropoda which lived in the Triassic period.
RADIOISOTOPEradioisotope n. (Physics) a radioactive isotope of an element.
RADIOISOTOPE n. a radioactive isotope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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