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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, D, F, N and 2O

AFFICIONADOSafficionados n. Plural of afficionado.
AFFICIONADO n. (Spanish) a devotee, admirer, an enthusiastic fan, also AFICIONADO.
BIOFLAVONOIDbioflavonoid n. Flavonoid.
BIOFLAVONOID n. vitamin P, a vitamin found in citrus fruit, blackcurrants and rosehips, aka citrin.
CODIFICATIONcodification n. The process of precisely formulating a statement, such as a code of laws.
codification n. The act or result of arranging something into a code; the act of setting down a body of knowledge in a systematic way.
CODIFICATION n. the act of codifying.
CONFOUNDABLEconfoundable adj. That can be confounded.
CONFOUNDABLE adj. capable of being confounded.
DEFLORATIONSdeflorations n. Plural of defloration.
DEFLORATION n. rupture of the hymen.
DEFOLIATIONSdefoliations n. Plural of defoliation.
DEFOLIATION n. the act of defoliating.
DEFORCIATIONDEFORCIATION n. (obsolete) a legal distress.
DEFORMATIONSdeformations n. Plural of deformation.
DEFORMATION n. alteration of form or shape.
FAUXBOURDONSFAUXBOURDON n. (French) a type of improvised polyphony, popular in England from the 15th century to the Reformation, also FABURDEN.
FLUORIDATIONfluoridation n. (Chemistry) The act or process of adding fluoride to something, especially water.
FLUORIDATION n. the act of fluoridating.
FOOTDRAGGINGfootdragging n. Alternative spelling of foot-dragging.
foot-dragging n. The deliberate delaying of obligatory action.
FOOTDRAGGING n. the act or practice of acting with deliberate slowness.
FOREORDAINEDforeordained v. Simple past tense and past participle of foreordain.
FOREORDAIN v. to ordain or appoint beforehand.
FOUNDATIONALfoundational adj. Of, or relating to a foundation or foundations.
foundational adj. Fundamental or underlying.
FOUNDATIONAL adj. of or like a foundation.
FOUNDATIONERfoundationer n. (UK) One who derives support from the funds or foundation of a college or school.
FOUNDATIONER n. a person supported from the funds or foundation of an institution.
FURAZOLIDONEfurazolidone n. An antibacterial agent used to treat diarrhoea and enteritis caused by bacteria or protozoan infections.
FURAZOLIDONE n. an antimicrobial drug used against bacteria and some protozoa esp. in infections of the gastrointestinal tract.
MIDAFTERNOONmidafternoon n. The middle of the afternoon, normally between 2 and 4 pm.
MODIFICATIONmodification n. (Obsolete, philosophy) The form of existence belonging to a particular object, entity etc.; a mode of being.
modification n. (Linguistics) the change undergone by a word when used in a construction (for instance am => ’m in I’m).
modification n. The result of modifying something; a new or changed form.
PROOFREADINGproofreading v. Present participle of proofread.
proofreading n. The act or process by which a document is proofread.
proof-reading v. Present participle of proof-read.
REFOUNDATIONrefoundation n. The process of founding something anew.
REFOUNDATION n. the act of refounding.
THOUSANDFOLDthousandfold adj. Multiplied by one thousand (1000), repeated a thousand times.
thousandfold adj. Having one thousand parts or members.
thousandfold adv. By a factor of a thousand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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