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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, C, G, H, K and S

BACKDRAUGHTSbackdraughts n. Plural of backdraught.
BACKDRAUGHT n. a reverse movement of air, also BACKDRAFT.
BACKSHISHINGbackshishing v. Present participle of backshish.
BACKSTRAIGHTbackstraight n. Alternative form of back straight (“backstretch”).
back␣straight n. (Athletics, horse racing) The straight part of a racetrack, running track, etc., opposite the finishing…
BLACKWASHINGblackwashing n. (Derogatory) The revisionist portrayal of something as belonging to a black race of people.
blackwashing n. The application of a coating of blackwash.
blackwashing n. (Derogatory) The revisionist portrayal of something as evil.
BUSHWHACKINGbushwhacking n. Travelling through thick wooded country, cutting away scrub to make progress.
bushwhacking n. Fighting, as a guerilla, especially in wooded country.
bushwhacking n. Criticizing, by someone or a person(s), on policies and stances by George W. Bush, in forums and discussions.
CHIKUNGUNYASSorry, definition not available.
FLASHBACKINGflashbacking v. Present participle of flashback.
FLASHBACK v. to show a flashback.
GOOGLEWHACKSgooglewhacks n. Plural of googlewhack.
GOOGLEWHACK n. an Internet search that produces one hit only.
HAMSHACKLINGhamshackling v. Present participle of hamshackle.
HAMSHACKLE v. to fetter; to restrain.
HIGHJACKINGShighjackings n. Plural of highjacking.
HIGHJACKING n. the seizing of a vehicle in transit, also HIJACKING.
HUCKSTERAGESHUCKSTERAGE n. the state of being a huckster.
MATCHMAKINGSmatchmakings n. Plural of matchmaking.
match-makings n. Plural of match-making.
MATCHMAKING n. the business of bringing suitable people together for marriage.
PACKINGHOUSEpackinghouse n. A facility where harvested food is processed into a salable condition.
packinghouse n. A slaughterhouse wherein animals are slaughtered, and the meat is then processed into smaller cuts.
PACKINGHOUSE n. an establishment for slaughtering livestock and processing packed meat.
RANSHACKLINGRANSHACKLE v. (Scott) to search, ransack, also RANSHAKLE.
SHELLACKINGSshellackings n. Plural of shellacking.
SHELLACKING n. a heavy defeat.
SPEECHMAKINGspeechmaking n. The delivery of speeches.
SPEECHMAKING n. the making of speeches.
WARCHALKINGSWARCHALKING n. the activity of drawing chalk symbols in public places in order to indicate the location of wireless Internet access points.
WATCHMAKINGSWATCHMAKING n. the profession of making watches.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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