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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, C, D, O, U and Y

ACHLAMYDEOUSachlamydeous adj. (Botany) having no perianth.
ACHLAMYDEOUS adj. without a perianth.
ADJUDICATORYadjudicatory adj. Of or pertaining to an adjudication.
ADJUDICATORY adj. relating to adjudication, also ADJUDICATIVE.
CADAVEROUSLYcadaverously adv. In a cadaverous manner; like a cadaver.
CADAVEROUS adv. resembling a corpse, also CADAVERIC.
DENUNCIATORYdenunciatory adj. Tending to denounce.
DENUNCIATORY adj. relating to denunciation.
DODECAGYNOUSdodecagynous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the Dodecagynia; having twelve styles.
DODECAGYNOUS adj. having twelve styles, also DODECAGYNIAN.
DUODECIMALLYduodecimally adv. In a duodecimal manner; by twelves.
DUODECIMAL adv. of or relating to the number twelve.
MENDACIOUSLYmendaciously adv. In a lying or deceitful manner.
MENDACIOUS adv. telling lies, esp. habitually.
MORDACIOUSLYmordaciously adv. In a mordacious manner.
MORDACIOUS adv. given to biting; biting in quality.
PROCEDURALLYprocedurally adv. (Manner) According to a procedure; following a procedure.
procedurally adv. (Manner) In a manner that is concerned with procedure.
procedurally adv. (Manner, usually with generated) Following a computer algorithm, often in a randomized way.
PUNDITOCRACYpunditocracy n. A group of political pundits who are thought to have too much influence.
RADIOLUCENCYradiolucency n. The quality or degree of being radiolucent.
RADIOLUCENCY n. the state of being radiolucent.
SCANDALOUSLYscandalously adv. In a scandalous manner.
SCANDALOUS adv. of the nature of a scandal.
SUBORDINANCYsubordinancy n. Misspelling of subordinacy.
SUBORDINANCY n. subordination.
SYNDACTYLOUSsyndactylous adj. (Zoology) Having the toes firmly united together for some distance, and without an intermediate web.
SYNDACTYLOUS adj. having fused digits, as do many birds and lower mammals.
TRIDACTYLOUStridactylous adj. (Biology) tridactyl.
TRIDACTYLOUS adj. having three fingers or toes, also TRIDACTYL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 141 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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